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Parts and Accessories Catalog P&A 14 May 1980 |

CORVETTE BASIC ENGINE DATA POWER TEAI S Cont 1958 Cu In Comp Engine Displ Ratio Bora Carburetor Trarrsminlon Corvette B cyl 283 9 5 3 7 8 3 230 195 4 Barrel 3 Speed 4 Speed PG 4800 RPM 4600 RPM Corvette B cyl 283 3 7 S 3 245 215 Dual 4 Barre 3 Speed 4 Spaed PG 5000 RPM 4800 RPM C0rve te 8 cyl 293 9 5 3 7 8 3 270 230 Dual 4 Barrel 3 Speed 4 Speed 6000 RPM 6000 RPM C0rvexte B cyl 283 9 5 3 7 8 3 260 225 Fual Injection 3 Speed 4 Speed PG 5000 RPM 4800 RPM Corvetta B cyl 3 7 B 3 290 245 Fuel Inieotlon 3 Speed 4 Speed 6200 RPM 5600 RPM MAXIMUM performance engines have special performance type camshaft high speed valve system and rnechanlcel valve lifters All other engines have hydraulic valve llfters 1 959 C0rvette B cyl ZB3 3 7 B 230 195 4 Barre 3 or 4 Speed PG 4800 RPM 4600 RPM Corvette B cyl 3 7 S 245 215 Dual 4 Earre 3 or 4 Speed PG 5000 RPM 4800 RPM I C rvette3 cyl 283 3 7 8 270 230 Dual 4 Barrel 3 cr 4 Speed ik 6000 RPM 5000 RPM Corvette 8 cyl 3 7 B 3 250 225 Fuel Injection 3 or 45peed FG 5000 RPM 4800 RPM rvatte B cyl 283 3 7 E 290 245 Fuel Injection 3 or 4 Speed 5200 RPM 5600 RPM NOTE Included special performance type camshaft I 1960 1961 l Corvette B cyl 3 7 S 3 230 I95 4 Earral 3 cr 4 Spead PG 4800 RPM 4000 RPM l C0rvette8 cyl 3 7 B 245 215 Dual 4 Barrel 3 or 4 eed PG 5000 RPM 4800 RPM C0rvette 8 cyl 3 7 E 270 230 Duel 4 Barrel 3 or 4 Sp ed 6000 RPM 6000 RPM Corvette 8 cyl 283 3 7 8 3 275 3 or 4 Speed 5200 RPM i C0rvet e 8 cyl 283 3 7 8 3 3I5 Fuel Injection 3 or 4 Speed 6200 RPM 2 UN OTE Includes special performance type carniuaft W GM PARTS DIVISION GENERAL MOTORS CORPORATlClN CHEVROLET l4 f 22