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<- Model Index Parts and Accessories Catalog January 1972 Engine - Clutch ->
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1968 OLDSMOBILE OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT Opt Opt 0pt I No Option Description No Option Description No Option Description A01 Tinted Windows D99 Two Tone Psint P02 Dlx WhL Discs 14 A02 Tinted W Shield P03 Dlx WhL Discs Toro A31 pw sane winanws F35 H D Frame P04 Tu es white Line 1s 2 my mz pw Vent wsnunws FE1 R5 ly Spvrt Su r pos WhL Super smk 14 Asa pm Tniigace Window FG2 Y Rm Shk Ab POS cnmnne wm rmn Rings Ass Db seat sexes Fran Frw R 1 14 rn es mum w w zrnmy Rear PZS W W Tires A41 4 Way Pwr sm Gsl H D S s PAI wm vases spmni i4 A A4z 6 Way pmssm i 3 F 2 Ab PE1 ru w w www rmng A46 4 Way Pwr LH Seat mn E PT2 Tires Radial W W 14 AS1 Straw Bucket seats G88 PLD Per Rear Axle 3 91 Mz Bench Fm Sen G89 H D Perf Rear Ax e 4 38 Q03 Tires andwhl Radial W W AGS Custom sport F seat G92 H D Per Rear Axle 8 42 TM Comermg amps A66 Foam Padded Div 2nd Seat 150 Power Brakes 69 R s B s 152 Power rn msn arms U15 5 S 1 A70 Rclm Strt Bckt Seat U21 Inst Cluster Rallye Pac gg K R S mo cnnne Control uzo mn Penal cmy md Kee Engine ition s ste Mev lamps A81 Dual Frt Hd Restraints Isn Y m U35 Electric Clock 1 y A82 Dual Frt Hd Restraints L30 455 V B Z BBL LO Comp U57 Stereo Tape Player Cps Conv L81 455 V B 4 BbL Hi Comp U5 Stereo Radio AM FM A91 Pwr Trunk Lid Latch L65 350 V B 2 BbL Lo Comp U59 AM FM Radio Slgnal Seeker A98 Pwr Door Locks L86 455 V B Z Bb Lo Comp U63 Dlx Radio AAS Tinted Roof Glass L 74 350 V 8 4 Bb Hl Comp U69 AM 1 M Radio AS1 Frt Shoulder Belts L l8 400 V 8 4 Bbl I Il Comp U71 Pwr Radio Antenna Frt AS5 Rea Sh uld Belts U75 Pw 4 Radi Ante R r r M14 Manual s s mn 1 sum mc mgm sps ka R r gg Km r rF i Rm M2 mm H D use cnn r un Wiring um HX 3 S 1 Q l B33 Aux Rear Flr Mats MZl Manual 4 S H D V01 l l D Radiator 3 91 or H86 H D Trunk Mat Close Ratio 4 33 Axle Bas Carpeted Lond Fu M31 J l Trans V55 Luggage Carrier B50 Foam Padded Frt Seat M40 l H 400 Tl l S V56 Luggage L0cker Underfl or B52 F P dd d R Seat M55 Aux Oil Cooler A l 8 C e1 Q M gs ww Force in nnntnn ess cnncnne Window sm mugs N10 D M E System System A 1 B9 Chrome window Fume N30 Dlx Strg Wheel W34 Force Air Induction Bgg Dcmugdge Guards N83 l llt Away Strg Col System 0 A L ggg chrome whlnopen M1dgS N84 Custom Sport Strg Wheel W36 Rallye Paint Stripe BG pho CW r H D vinyl N37 l T Strg Wheel W37 Db Interior Decor N38 H D Manual Str cos Vinyl ammp mo men sn g E YW A Grwv Pke Lvnvs 024 Recessed w s wlpei S Nez rms www Line ms X 14 Y 7 DIL lnterior Equipment csc aenr Window oemgger NB1 Tues neu Line w T Y68 Chrm Bdy WML M1dg C51 Tailgate Air Deflector mc X 14 Y69 s intmqr 060 Air cond Manual N94 wm mms 15 Y70 G T Punt Stripe csi An cond Anno ms sun Wire Whl 14 E ng1 g i fTr m0i ik n N98 Whl and Trim Rings BTL D33 Rmt Cont 0 S Mirror Y 77 Db Trunk Equipment D55 Sports Console P01 WhL Discs I4 Y78 Royale Interior XLI