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OLDSMOBILE PARTS and ACCESSORIES CATALOG GENERAL INFORMATION This Parts Catalog has been compiled for the purpose of locating identifying and ordering replacement parts for Olds mobile vehicles All data and specifications contained in this publication are based on the latest product information available at the time of printing Oldsmobile reserves the right to make changes atany time without notice in data specifications material and model The List Prices shown are suggested prices only for sales to consumers A Parts Catalog Revision service is offered todealerships as a means of maintaining a current and up to date catalog Dealers may subscribe to this service for a nominal fee by contacting their Oldsmobile Zone Office or the Oldsmobile Division Parts Accessories Department Lansing Michigan 48921 Dealers not subscribing to this service V should enter all changes in part numbers or prices as issued from the monthly Parts Release Change Notice which is mailed to all Oldsmo 4 bile dealers LOCATING PARTS Parts can belocated in this catalog by any of the following methods A By the alphabetical index found at the front of the catalog for chassis parts and preceding group 10 000 for body parts B By illustrations contained inthe Illustration Catalog C By part number using the Dealer Price Schedule V Using these methods the description and or part number will be cros s referenced by means of an index number which is referred to as the GROUP NUMBER Similar parts with the same functional usage comprise a group and are assigned the same group number l Parts are grouped into 16 major classifications and will be identified as follows Page lZl