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I 1280 5856 e I Fig 6A 36 Engine Engine Adapter and Stond Installation lfi Remove oil filter and generator adapter retaining bolts and washers and remove oil filter and generator adapter Discard adapter gasket 1 1 Remove the blower pulley and blower assembly from the crankcase cover Remove the crankcase vent tube and gasket fig 6A 37 11f Remove the crankcase cover blower bearing assembly fig 6A 37 crankcase cover gasket vent assembly and the vent to crankcase gasket fig 6A 5 Discard gaskets 1 Remove engine rear and lower shrouds and exhaust ducts figures 6A 11 6A 15 and 6A 16 Remove muffler bracket and shield el aa r CRANKCASE COVER O O O y BLOWER BEARING CRANKCASE y w VENT TUBE GASKET LOCATION I FIg 6A 37 Crankcose cover vent Tube and Blower Bearins Assembly e w b t 1 POP Oili 9