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I 1972 CUSTOM CRUISER BODY I I LOAD FLOOR 6835 J TYPICAL OF 1973 lll Group No No Description 1 12 975 PANEL 2nd seat back 2 12 975 PANEL 2nd seat back filler 3 11 620 LINK 2nd seat mtg supt 4 N L SCREW mtg supt link to back panel I 5 14 875 BOLT Znd seat belt to anchor outer I 6 N L STUD 2nd seat link to pan 7 N L NUT 2nd seat link to stud I 8 11 381 CAP 2nd seat back link supt front 9 N L PLATE 2nd seat link anchor outer 10 N L SCREW 2nd seat back filler panel 11 12 975 PANEL compt floor at kick up I 12 12 975 PANEL luggage cornpt front I 13 N L SCREW compt floor at kick up panel 14 11 620 BUMPER 2nd seat back on cover I 15 N L SUPPORT 2nd seat back bumper I 16 11 620 BUMPER 2nd seat back on pan I 17 N L SCREW luggage compt front panel I 18 11 620 COVER seat back lock striker finish I 19 11 620 STRIKER 2nd seat back lock I 20 11 620 BUMPER 2nd seat lock I 21 N L SCREW bumper to striker 22 N L SCREW striker to bar 23 11 620 COVER fldg 2nd seat back lock I 24 11 620 RETAINER 2nd seat back lock 25 N L SCREW 2nd seat back lock to frame I 26 11 620 HANDLE 2nd seat back lock 27 N L SCREW 2nd seat back handle to lock 28 11 620 LOCK ildg 2nd seat back 29 11 620 FASTENER 2nd seat back lock I cover to lock I 30 12 981 FILLER pan to tire cover panel 31 N L SCREW filler to bar I 32 12 981 REINFORCEIVLENT pan side filler front I 33 12 981 REINFORCEMENT pan side filler rear I 34 N L SCREW reinforcement to supt on pan I 35 12 977 STOP luggage ccmpt rr pa ne1 a t hinge I 36 12 977 BUMPER lugg compt cover panel on stop 37 12 975 PANEL lugg cornpt rear 38 12 977 CLIP luggage compt panel retainer I 39 N L SCREW panel retainer clip to panel I 40 12 977 HANDLE lugg compt rear panel opening 41 N L SCREW opening handle to panel I 42 12 977 HANDLE lugg compt rear panel closing 43 N L SCREW closing handle to panel 44 12 977 HINGE lugg oompt cover panel rea 45 N L SCREW lugg compt rear hinge to panel I 46 12 977 CAP lugg compt cover attach screw protector 47 N L SCREW rear panel at hinge stop at bar I 48 12 977 BUMPER lugg compt rear panel 49 N L SCREW lugg compt bumper to rr supt 50 12 981 FILLER pan to qtr inner trim panel 51 N L SCREW pan panel filler to underbody j 52 12 977 HINGE lugg cornpt cover panel front I Rev Sept 1972 GROUP 11 000 B 219 I