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1 1973 CUTLASS CRUISER BODY SHEET METAL AJES lll 1 ljrcup N0 Description 1 1 12 810 PANEL roof 2 12 504 PANEL c0wl1c0mp of item l 1 I3 12 504 PANEL cowl vent center duct 1 mcl item 2l 1 l 10 230 ilQ POR 1 1nsr panel end 1 5 12 504 EXTENSION center duct panel reinf 1 5 10 230 EXTENSION IEP support on center duct 1 T 12 650 EXTENSION floor pan at dash 3 12 1304 REINFORCEMENT dash panel at fr fdr lcump ofitem 9 9 12 804 PANEL dash uncl inem 81 1 10 12 977 SUPPORT filler rr Hour qu panel 1 11 12 944 RETAINER smwage jack column mm 1c0rnp of item 25 12 12 981 SUPPORT spare zire 1comp ofinem 25 13 12 981 POCKET spare tire lcomp of item 25 14 12 981 PLATE Iugg ccrnpt panel pivot supt 15 12 981 PAN compr incl items 16 17 1Sl 1 16 12 981 BAR Compu pan longitudinal rear 1 rcomp of izem 15 1 17 12 986 BAR renr cross rt lower acomp of item 15 1 18 1 2 986 BAR rear cross frt comp ci item 15 19 12 986 BAR rear cross rear 20 12 179 GATE ASSY tail ind item 21 1 1 ZZ1 12 179 PANEL 1 G cuter comp of imm 20 1 22 12 968 FILLER hack body piIIaI luwer 1 lcomp of item 23 1 23 12 9ES PANEL back body pillar cure 1incl item 22 1 24 12 968 PANEL inner 25 12 94 1 PANEL ASSY wheelhcuse RI I in l items 11 12 13 26l LH lnr l items 26 29 26 12 944 PANEL Wheelhouse outer comp 1 ofitem 251 27 12 941 FILLER qtr wind lwr corner l 28 12 945 FILLER gas rank door opening 1 Z9 12 945 POCKET Hllsr neck wcmp of inern 25 30 12 940 PANEL qu outer 1 31 12 945 DOOR ASSY gas unk l 11ler 1 32 12 942 PANEL nucer lower 1 33 12 942 PANEL outer upper 1 34 12 942 PANEL lunet upper 35 12 934 PANEL rocker 36 12 941 PILLAR center 37 10 373 DOOR ASSY M 1ind ifems 38 391 38 12 913 BAR M dr outer panel lcomp cf item 371 l 39 12 913 PANEL M dr outer ntomp of item 37 40 10 351 DOOR ASSY rt incl items 4142 41 12 895 BAR frt dr outer panel 1cm np of item 40 42 12 895 PANEL fn dr ouwr 1 0mp ofirem 40 43 12 840 PANEL hinge pillar iower 1 l l 12 659 BRACE to rocker 45 12 840 PANEL hinge pillxu upper 1 V 1 Rev Sept 1972 GROUP 12 000 B 592 11 1 A