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Parts Catalog 14 June 1979 |

I I EEEEEEEEE SS S GROUP 3 000 EEEEEEEEE FUEL EXHAUST CARBURETION ALPHABETICAL INDEX A CABLE Cruise Control 3 880 I CABLE Fuel Injection Distributor 4 4 4 4 3 340 CAM Carburetor and Fuel Injection Fast Idle 3 766 I ACTUATOR Exhaust Manifold Heat Control CAM Carburetor Pump 3 842 I Valve 3 640 CAM Fuel Tank 3 107 ACTUATOR KIT Catalytic Convener 3 685 CANISTER Fuel Tank Evaporative Control 3 130 I ANTI SOUEAK Accelerator 3 451 CAP Carburetor Float 3 734 i ARM Carburetor Pump 3 845 CAP Fuel Tank Evaporative Control 3 130 CAP Fuel Tank Filler 3 028 CAP Manifold Vacuum Take Off 3 278 I CARBURETORS Engine Carburetor 3 725 I B CARRIER Carburetor Air Valve 3 757 CATALVST KIT CataIyt c Converter 3 685 I CHOKE HOUSING KI Automatic Choke BAFFLE Carburetor and Fuel Meter Fuel Inlet 3 740 Control 3 750 BAFFLE Carburetor to Manifold 3 725 CLAMP Alr Injection Reactor 3 680 I BAFFLE Carburetor Idle Vapor Vent 3 852 CLAMP Carburetor and Fuel Injection 3 890 I I BALL Carburetor Pump Inlet Valve 3 826 CLAMP Carburetor Throttle Return Check 3 444 I BALL Carburetor Pump Outlet Valve 3 825 CLAMP Crulse Control 3 887 I BAR Carburetor Throttle 3 762 CLAMP Exhaust Pipe Support 3 616 I BASE Alr Cleaner Oil 3 406 CLAMP Fuel Feed Plpe 3 162 I BEZEL Muffler Tail 3 705 CLAMP Fuel Tank Evaporative Control 3 130 I I BLADDER Fuel Tank 3 001 CLAMP Manifold 3 273 I I BODY Carburetor Float 3 734 CLAMP Muffler Exhaust Pipe and Tail Pipe 3 708 BODY Carburetor 3 729 CLAMP Throttle Control Rod 3 425 BOLT Air Injection Reactor Pump Mounting 3 655 CLEANER Carburetor Air 3 402 BOLT Air Injection Reactor 3 680 CLIP Air Injection Reactor 3 680 BOLT Carburetor Body 3 741 CLIP Carburetor and Fuel lnlectlcn Choke 3 752 I BOLT Cruise Control 3 887 CLIP Carburetor and Fuel Meter Intake with I BOLT Exhaust Pipe 3 613 Seat and Gasket 3 814 I BOLT Fuel Tank Strap 3 023 CLIP Cruise Control 3 885 I BOLT Manifold 3 275 CLIP Fuel Feed Pipe 3 162 BOLT Manifold 3 602 CLIP Fuel Tank Filler 3 003 I BOOT Accelerator Rod Linkage L 3 469 CLIP Fuel Tank 3 107 BOWL Carburetor Float 3 734 CLIP Instrument Panel Fuel Gage 3 108 BRACE Air Injection Reactor Pump Mounting 3 655 CLIP Throttle Control Rod 3 425 I BRACKET Accelerator Pull Back Z 3 458 COIL Automatic Choke Control 3 750 I BRACKET Accelerator 3 454 COMPENSATOR KIT Carburetor Idle Air I BRACKET Air Injection Reactor Pump Mounting 3 655 Compensator 3 820 I BRACKET Air Injection Reactor Pump 3 675 CONE Fuel Injector Air 3 335 I BRACKET Automatlc Choke Control 3 750 CONNECTOR Air Injection Reactor 3 680 I I BRACKET Carburetor and Fuel Meter Intake CONNECTOR Carburetor Vacuum 3 765 with Seat and Gasket 3 814 CONNECTOR Carburetor 3 755 BRACKET Carburetor Choke Tube 3 733 CONNECTOR Flexible Fuel or Oil Lines 3 163 I BRACKET Carburetor Throttle Return Check 3 444 CONNECTOR Manifold Vacuum Taka Off 3 278 I BRACKET Carburetor Vacuum 3 765 CONNECTOR Manilold Vacuum 3 145 I I BRACKET Cruise Control 3 880 CONTROL Carburetor 3 755 I BRACKE Cruise Control 3 885 CONVERTER Catawytlc Converter 3 685 I BRACKET Cruise Control 3 887 COUPLING Fuel In ection Distributor 3 340 I BRACKET Fuel Feed Pipe 3 162 COVER Accelerator 3 451 I BRACKET KIT Muffler Tail Pipe 3 706 COVER Air Cleaner 3 410 I BRACKET Manifold 3 602 COVER Air Cleaner 3 417 BRACKET Muffler Tail Pipe 3 706 COVER Automatic Choke Control 3 750 BRACKET Mufller 3 704 COVER Carburetor with Leather and Shaft 3 838 I BREATHEH Air Cleaner 3 410 COVER Carburetor Idle Air Compensator 3 820 I BUSHING Exhaust Manifold 3 647 COVER Fuel Meter 3 322 I BUSHINGI Throttle Control Rod 3 425 COVER Fuel Tank 3 015 COVER Manifold 3 602 C I I CABLE Carburetor to Accelerator Lever 3 430 GM PARTS DIVISION GENERAL MOTORS CORPOR ATION CHEVROLET 14 I 3 1 A INDEX I I I