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Body Service Manual August 1964
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1C 4 FRONT END strip is applied to the inside surface of the glass B prior to application of adhesive caulking mater ial For service windshield replacements the sealing strips are not required and will not be A A available as a service part When replacing a B2 windshield glass using the short method the X sealing strip must be trimmed from the ad hesive material in the body opening for a good appearance A 8 The windshield removal procedure will be the same for extended or short method Ia i Io 1 Place protective coverings over front seat instrument panel hood and front fenders mlb TIT i Il i 2 Remove inside garnish moldings rear view 522 J mirror support and necessary instrument panel il H1 items instrument panel cover etc A LOCATION B LOCATION 3 Remove windshield wiper arms escutcheon 1 nuts and escutcheon Fig IC8 WindsIiieItI GI ss Spacers 4 Remove shroud top air intake grille assembly be accomplished by holding the inside wire close to the plane of the glass with one hand while pulling 5 Remove lower side and upper windshield the wire with the other hand After cutting the reveal moldings adhesive material around entire perimeter of wind shield remove glass and place on a protected G Secure one end of steel music wire to a piece bench or holding fixture of wood for handle Fig IC Insert end of wire through caulking material at lower inside corner WINDSHIELD INSTALLATION of windshield along side of glass surface then SHORT METHOD secure other end of wire to another piece of wood handle 1 The short method of windshield glass installa tion involves the removal of a minimum of adhesive I With aid of helper carefully cut pull steel Caulking material when cutting the glass from the wipe thygiigh ggiulking m tgy ig1 up Omg side Of body opening however no loose pieces of adhesive windshield across top down opposite side and material or sealing strip material should be left across bottom of windshield Fig 1C 7 Make sure 31 0 1 dth Wi11 lShi 1fl ODSHUIQL inside wire is held close to plane of glass to pre vent cutting an excessive amount nr adhesive enum 2 Inspect reveal nwlciiae retainine clips for ing material from the windshield opening This can lB 1Pi YBIJIMB if SS i Y and will Cgmtmt three rubber spacers M8 1330 or equivalent to lower windshield opening at location A Figure 1C8 Keep warez msme Aommsr ot ass 3 Place glass in opening Check relationship of pl glass contour to windshield opening Glass should in V 5 1 n i7 V 1 MEQ sz 5 7 ltl 4 glass xino r 4Mm n TO OI EN NrG JQ A 7 Q A Vs 9 7 gv s E lsie it cui USING A SLIGHT 7 e sawmo Morrow W T T f T iT w Fig IC7 Cotring Ont Windshield Glnss I g 1Q I S A g wam