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Body Service Manual August 1964 |

1C 8 FRONT END IMPORTANT lf leak is between adhesive caulk Xg ing material and body or between material and 4 glass carefully push outward on glass in area of ADHESIVE leak to determine extent of leak This operation CAUlKlNG should be performed while water is being applied MATEHAL xg to leak area Mark extent of leak area 3 From outside body clean any dirt or foreign H material from leak area with water then dry area with air hose TRlM r PRIME 4 Using a sharp knife trim oft uneven edge oi I adhesive caulking material See Operation A Fig lCl3 at leak point and 3 to 4 inches on both M lj V ff sides of leak point or beyond limits of leak area i YVl JV OPERATION A OPERATION B 5 Using a small brush apply adhesive caulkingg material primer over trimmed edge of adhesive caulking material and over adjacent painted sur face See operation B Fig lC13 r APPLYA gan J FLAT STICK rrrrrr E L 6 Apply adhesive caulking material as shown WORK in Operation C Fig 1Cl3 at leak point 3 to 4 J gy INTO inches on both sides of leak point 0r beyond limits a JOINTS of leak area OPERATION Q OPERATION D my 7 Immediately after performing Step 6 use flat Fig C 3 COrrGCHOn of Adhesive Cuulk d Gyms stick or other suitable llat bladed tool to work Insmnmim W I ks adhesive caulking material well into leak point and into joint of original material and body to effect a A mm OH Adhesive Ccuwnq Mmeriay Arom watertight seal along entire length 0i material Edge of Glass application See Operation D Flgr lC13l 5 mms Areas Indicated Using Small Brush C Apply Adhesive Cdolking lvI reri I Use 8 Spray watertest to assure that leak has been I ir 4226000 or Equiv Ient corrected DO NOT run a heavy stream of water D Using Flor Stick Work Adhesive Cdrilking directly on freshly applied adhesive caulking Mdreridl Well into J inIs of Original Mdreridl materialr Pdinred Body and Glass