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New Product Service Information Manual 201 January 1972 |

V K I T 0 10 PERIODIC MAINTENANCE I radiator cap to bring to mark Level is OK if above ENGINE OIL RECOMMENDATIONS ADD Under some conditions the level maybe observed Use only first line oils which according to the label below the ADD mark on the reservoir when the system on the can are 1 intened for service SD and 2 pass car cools and is below normalo erating tern erature makers tests including General Motors Standard GM P P 6041 M The majority of the suitable oils currently available are multi viscosity Norpdetergent and other low quality oils are specifically not recommelnaded Thelus of proper engine oils and od change inte s are t e est DIFFERENTIALAND FINAL DRIVE asurance of continued reliability and performance from l Check lubrmnt level at each engine oil change period me Oldsmobile el l ll le Th r bak il t d ceiveriaei ai vitreieiiaa tire are Simi ii ici r iZn1 nT1 g1 L0 Zp1111iE Q le T f F Si Maintain lubricant level with No 1051022 1050081 B l mmelldgd l lowgvgl lllgle 6 addmve Su laments 1 r c ar pp or SAE 90 QL 5 or equivalent For heavy duty operation available that ean be helpful under certain conditions For l trailer hairline ere change lubrieahi every 12 000 rmlee example it higher deteigeney is required to reduce varnish Final bn T d and sludge deposits a thoroughly tested and approved We 0 01100 t t h h D C t t Maintain nuid level with Nd 1051022 10s00a1 or e d le H g y n ra is l equivalent For sustained high speed driving or trailer hauling it is 1 recommended the fluid be changed every 12 000 miles RECOMMENDED vlSCOsl l Y 1 Annes n The proper viscoeity helps as llre good cold and hot 1 Pl st b d d nk1n g Maintain iuhrieant level with No 1051022 or n g Y I wig ee Us mmasmg m equivalent 1 Trailer hauling and break in period operations have 1 been found to create excessive axle lubricant temperatures l This results in depletion of the axle lubricant additives To alleviate this condition the following is l 11 1 d d E Change iubneam at first 12 000 miles or 12 months a e whichever occurs first then periodic or seasonal changes are l not recommended except under heavy duty operations such 20 D ln 40 ell ell lm 1 1 as trailer hau ling For heavy duty operations lubricant l tenlneement ln the entldnln dlllelentlnl le teeennnended Temperature Range Anticipated serine Next on change r l every 12 000 milesn b It is recommen ed the car e driven atleast 500 miles OTE wh hen ll ll th t ml l prior to hairline e trailer helaw a trees weight ef 2 0001034 glmpeiaiurefnieli tl1 mr e t 4c xn l s SA Swuand l a lgllt 000 miles fer trailers in exeeaa of 2 000 lhsr ewes sw 20 one ne not recommended for sustained high l we ddr SAE30il b dtt t Use of other than the above mentioned type of igiie 4l Xl 0 Smay E use a empem mes 1 ll lubricant in the And Spin differential may cause chatter If 1 the wrong type of lubricant is used in the Anti Spin it will l require draining the differential and installing the Olle LEVEL 1 l recommended lubricant It may be necessary to drive The engine dll den stick located nn the lelt Slde of the 1 Antispin equipped cars for distances of 50 miles or more ennlne ls rnneleed irllnllv and 1Add11 l he Ol l level sllnnld l to allow the new lubricant to work through the units before be nnnlntalned nelellel nelnn above the l nll line nel l T tm getter di 5 l d l b l under the Add line The oil level should be checked at l l em0vlYl y5le f li r Plug wm mmm P ug Opemng r every refueling and oil added to maintain the proper level l 011 ritriik nl The full flow oil filter ters 100 7 of the oil delivered I ENGINE OIL QHANGE INTERVAL by the pump Replace oil filter at iirstaoil change and every 1 Chariee erieirie eil every 4 mehtlisr lf mere than 24 000 second oil change thereafter Replace en filter as renews miles are driven per year change oil at 6 000 mile intervals l Leeeen lelltet wlth Wlenell then remove and tljseetd 1 1 when this occurs in less than 4 months This interval applies llltel 1 to the initial change as well as subsequent oil changes The Z Clean ent flltet gasket neat nn englne l oil change interval is based on the use of oils that meet 3 Apply elenn englne ell en gasket dnd lnslall new l l gl l nl gliln ldl l b l nWe d ENGINE OIL flterand tighten to iv it ins 1 E S xcessive mileage or time 1 between oil change intervals will result in serious reductions 4 Add OIL mn mgme md check fm leak l of engine life and will void the warranty 1 Under adverse or heavy duty operations such as dusty 1 conditions trailer hauling extensive idling numerous short BRAKE LIGHT CHECK l 1 trips of l0 miles or less or prolonged operation at freezing Check bulb and switch at 24 month intervals and at Q temperatures change engine oil every 2 months or at three time of mnor brake work or any time pedal travel is 1 l thousand mile intervals whichever occurs first excessive l l l 1 4