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Parts Catalogue 10A September 1978 |
I I J 53 Q3 I I C H E V R 0 L E I I 1976 1979 I PARIS ILLUS I RAI ION I r I CAI ALOG l r I IMPORTANT Passengar vahielaa rar 1976 thru 1979 aanialn many pane dimenaianed In ihe meme system Thaaa parts are very alaee in dlmanalen re familiar aus tcmary measurements In iha inch system It is impenane chai during any I vehicle maineenanea procedure replacement iasienera have the aama measurements as chase rerndved whaihar metric dr customary Mia rnarahad or inedrrem fasteners can result in vehicle damage or malfunc tion or paaaibly personal injury Fastener sizes denoted on illustrations may nar reflect metric dimensions However since ina same yehlele may be buih with rnaerie or customary fasteners care should be exercised In selecting replacement perl equiva lan to the original fasteners In dlrnanaiana ssrengah and piieh ar ihraad Both metric and auarernary fasteners required lar replacement are listed in lhe GM Parts Division Standard Paris cazaldg A special GM Parts Division label saying Metric Fasteners Required in red leicers will be used to Identify service paria which require meme ias zaners bu replaaa pane which originally used Inch iaeranara This label i will enable dealers and aver ihe eaunrer customers to quickly recognize parts which have ahangad to metric fastenerq SEPTEM BER 1978 V GENERAL MOTORS PARTS DIVISION I GENERAL MOTORS CORPORATION FLINT MICHIGAN 48554 CHEVROLET 10A