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Parts Catalogue 10A September 1978 |

1 I I I i l l GM5 4 I2346 1976 79 REAR AXLE ASSEMBLV EXC H T l 1 DRUM ASM Rear Brake 4 4 4 4 5 809 l 2 SHAFT Rear Axle 4 4 5 420 3 NUT Brake Backing Plate to Axle Housing 5 002 l 4 RETAINER Rear Axle Shaft Be ring Outer 5 816 V 5 PLATE Rear Brake Backing 5 001 6 BOLT Rear Wheel Hub g 5 8I2 7 SEAL Rear Axle Shaft Oil 5 822 i 8 FELT Parking Brake Cable Anchor to Bracket 4 784 9 ANCHOR Parking Brake Cable to Rear Brake 4 785 10 CABLE Parking Brake Rear Z 4 779 11 BOLT Anchor to Plate 8 900 I 12 BEARING ASM Rear Axle Shaft 5 855 13 BOLT Backing Plate to Axle Housing 5 002 14 HOUSING ASM Rear Axle 5 387 l 15 BEARING ASM Rear Axle Drive Pinion Front 5 447 I 16 SEAL Rear Axle Drive Pinion Flange Oil 5 469 17 FLANGE Prop Shaft Pinion 5 545 18 WASHER Prop Shaft Pinion Flange 5 595 19 NUT Prop Shaft Pinion Flange 5 595 20 FLANGE Prop Shaft Pinion 5 545 l 21 DEFLECTOR Prop Shaft Pinion Flange 5 545 22 PLUG Rear Axle Filler 5 400 23 VENTILATOR Diff Carrier 5 387 I 24 SPACER Drive Pinion Frt 5 453 25 BEARING ASM Drive Pinion Rear 5 484 V 26 SHIM PKG Pinion Shaft Brg Se ective 5 460 l 27 GEAR ASM Ring and Pinion 5 529 I 28 BEARlNG ASM Diff Side 5 530 29 SHIM PKG Diff Bearing Adj Se ective 5 537 1 30 SCREW Pinion Shaft Lock 5 518 i 31 CAP Side Bearing Part of Carrier Asm N S 32 BOLT Side Bearing Cap 5 506 33 SHAFT Differential Pinion 5 517 34 GASKET Axle Housing Cover 5 399 35 COVER Axle Housing 5 398 36 BOLT Axle Housing Cover 5 395 37 CASE Differential 5 5I0 38 BOLT Rlng Gear to Casa 5 531 1 39 GEAR Differential Side 5 528 40 WASHER Diff Side Gear Thrust 5 543 41 WASHER Diff Pinion Thruet 5 542 42 GEAR Differential Pinion 5 526 43 LOCK Axle Shah 5 422 44 SHAFT Differential Pinion 5 517 45 CASE Differential Includes Gears 5 510 45 SCREW Pinion Shaft Lock 5 518 47 CLUTCH PKG Diff Friction Disc 5 511 48 SPACER Differential Friction 5 511 49 SHIM Differential Clutch 5 511 50 GEAR Differential Side 5 528 51 SPRING Differential Preload 5 511 52 GEAR Differential Pinion 5 526 53 WASHER Diff Pinlon Thrust 5 542 GM PARTS DlVlSlON GENERAL MOTORS CORPORATION CHEVROLET 1OA 9 18 s 5 000 GROUP