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Body Service Manual August 1964 |

DOORS lD 59 DOOR LOCK VACUUM ACTUATOR rg r A tt ee U U or lW rl ii ri fgI r so A ll I lQi f 4 I TI i V I r Q5I DOOR 4 REMOTE TO LOCK r U l ij CONNECTI G ROD I j g LOCK V Fl I VACUUM e Lt l I Q e J llwjly ll 0 MOSES as z re Ls r V Vg G if ta l Irl is I YI I V I Q VACUUM ACTUATOR e MN A ryID LII K ASSEMBLY view lN DIRECTION lL LN OF ARROW A pf F X J p w ll l fA i l wl lll Ml Wl III MA Fig IDBO Reov Door ooimm Lool Aerootor Arroolwmem Fig lD82 Re r D v lr L A 2 Operate glass to full up position Lin AsgggmyuiuzggwrsMghkllcr Cmd 3 Vorltin through aceess hole disenqaee loek REAR DOOR LOCK VACUUM ACTUATOR connertme rods irom spring Clips on door lork for o H r M r H 68069 STYLE rlip disengauement refer to Door Lock Sprint Clips in Front and Rear Door Section R v I d l s H l or l I i l 4 Remove door lock attaching screws Fig W Ef n l mm m ll 1 PW lD79 and remove lock from door 4 ZZ Diseonneet inside locking rod lrom door look 5 To install reverse removal procedure Spring php RMQY U Flwnt and Rear D 1 NOTE On styles equipped with vacuum lock f ti i under ND r r T Lotlk Spying Chpsn wr actuators except 68069 styles disconnect vac ht Qlm3gEm m num hoses from actuator and remove lock and 3 Remove inside locking to look conneetinij rod actuator as an assembly Vacuum actuator is at link bolt Fig lD8ll tached to look with srrews which can be removed i DiSUOmwCt vacuum IIOSES Irnm mr m1m only in a bench operation Fig IDBO m mRmT 5 Remove vacuum actuator and link assembly V X attaching screws Figs lD8l and lDB2 INSIDE LOCKING ROD ha TO LOCK cowwecnwc ti lu Pivot rotate actuator and linkage assembly ROD LINK BOLT sa i 7 then pull eonneetine rod forward through linkage A 7 Remove actuator assembly from door I J a D x rv j tj gag U I I To install iewei se removal p1 eduve Cheek K j L j lock operation prior to installing water deflector Z 7 C l fj GLASS RUN CHANNEL OUTER STRIP ASSEMBLY Q F V J I l A BELT A I Y nemovol und Inslullution M jj l Remove door trim assembly and inner panel t i water defleetor I N H J g VA7C UTlh ACTUATOR 2 Remove rubber bumper from door window 2 qi LlNK SCREWS lower stop and operate window to full down W 1 iosition T e j 3 j wu l V 3 Remove screws securing glass run channel outer strip assembly to door outer panel return Fig IDF Jl Voooam Lool Aevooror ond UHHSQH Fig D lG and reniove strip assembly Link Assembly Removal 4 To install reverse removal proredure