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Body Service Manual August 1964 |

REAR QUARTER TE l TRIM REAR QUARTER TRIM ASSEMBLY REAR QUARTER ARM REST ASSEMBLY l STYLES 237 AND 57 STYLES Removal cmd I sI II Ii Re m v I und Installation l Remove the applied type rear quarter arm 1 Remove rear seat cuslnon seat back and seat rest and window regulator inside handle manual Igkfj g yp 1n 1 styles as Outlined in the door section of the Body Service Manual 2 Remove attaching screws at front and rear of arm rest 2 Remove rear seat cushion and seat back as semblies as outlined in the Seat section of the 3 On gtyms yxgith plgijtyjggl glgviggg ma m yogi Body Service Manual assembly carefully detach arm rest from rear quarter inner panel sufficiently to disconnect v ii 3 Rermve VERY l JHYt WUKIOW garnish harness connectors Figures lE l and lE 2 are moldings indicative of electrical installations in rear quarter arm rests 4 With tool J 6335 or any other suitable flat V bladed tool pry rear quarter trim assembly retain 4 Remove arm rest assembly from rear quarter A ing nails from tacking strip then lift trim assembly panel upwards to disengage from retainers at top of rear quarter inner panel and remove assembly from 5 TO msmn wm MSI ns 5 mI 1 pl S Fluurter IWUEL moval procedure Check operation of any electrical devices NOTE On styles with electrically operated windows disengage trim assembly from re tainers at top of inner panel then disconnect j IY T A L SSEMBLY window switch junction block from switch and remove trim assembly Removal and lnsmumicn 5 To install rear quarter trim assembly re l Remove rear seat cushion and seat back verse removal procedure assemblies A I I y I A A IQL 2 r Ml r k ARM REST 1 IIE ARM REST yi I l T Ir ASH Y i I l 417 WINDOW SWITCH WINDOW SECT brN ArA I TERMINAL BLOCK swncn r I Ly YYCIGAR LIGHTER 3V SWITCH RETAINER SWITCH L Vin TERMIN L qo 5 I VIEWA I 7 gy VlE N El ini I Ines Fig lEl Re r Oocrier Arm Rest Assembly Fig IF2 Fe r Dn II r Arm Rear As eInbI V