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Body Service Manual August 1964
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1I 6 FOLDING TOP TT q e O OOOO arr V 5 V rr rr a Qeii I w og M e GZ V V l e lll 4 I n i o T J i i z ie mcxs lx VE ag w i M TACKS dl O YOO OO I scnzw rAc s Qfj ri wig I 5 2 6 Fig 1 13 Side Stay Pad insmllnrion NOTE Notch in back curtain material at 1OW 1 11 Tack nylon webbing to rear trim stick For edge indicates centerline of back curtain assem ward edge of webbing should be even with edge of bly Fig 1115 In addition back curtain lOW l rear trim stick New webbing may be cut from a edge should extend approximately l 2 b9I JW piece of nonstaining type webbing 2 x 24 Excess lower edae of tri1n sticks webbing should be trimmed off at rear trim stick 1 2 above back curtain lower edge 8 Tack curtain to rear and rear quarter trim sticks Fig 1115 On right side tack zipper tape M fm Wd1 d Him Ji rem quxrter trim Stick 12 Inspect rubber trim stick fillers cemented to body below pinchweld Re cement if necessary Fig 1115 NOTE Zipper stop should be above upper edge t l Qiiflffgi t ll ftSt EIPPEI F I S1 1d 13 Fasten back curtain assist straps to rear 1 lr FL EP A fe Glu Mi ji roof bow then secure back curtain assembly with mb A u O IBM WO W JS HDPE 5SEm y three or four tacks to rear bow to prevent acci may show through top material after top has been dental d mH E tO backhaht properly installed I L Ln D 14 Install rear trim stick with attached back curtain assembly into body 9 Tack remainder of back curtain material to rear quarter trim stick NOTE Make sure that all trim stick bolts are driven completely in to represent finished 10 Tanks securing back curtain assembly to condition trim sticks should be placed close to each side ot every bolt hole in tri1n sticks then pierce or punch 15 Working from body center progressively out back curtain assembly for each trim stick bolt board to right and left sides tack back curtain