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Body Service Manual August 1964 |

FOLDINQ TOP ll 17 BACK CURTAIN ASSEMBLY COMPLETE ALL SERIES Removal V V V V A I 1 Place protective eiyvers mn all expeseil panels A V which may be i uita te I during pl U C lll1 E It V y rrrrr X IVVV 2 Z T 2 Retrieve mllnwing trim and hardware items 1r R I A Id at a Rear seat cushion and back Y 2 II 7 e I r I is CAUTION Disr r nnect rear seat speaker wire EQ if present E F I r i li V rrr V V IJ Folding top rempartment side trim panel vi r r I assemblies i TRU I STICK BOU5 151a J Side rout rail rear weatherstrip then ln 1st n folding tmp quarter flaps froin rails Fig I I 4I Re r Quarter Tiim Stick 3 Detach felclingtepcrinipartmentI agfr01n rear G T0 establish relationship of right and lett seat back panel thus exposing rear quarter and inner vertical edge of old tmp material to bark rear ifllll stick attaching Imlts Forward end nf curtain assembly at rear trim stiek lecatien mark trip cempartment bag niay be tied or wired to back curtain material at both leoations with ii center roof bmw tn provide ready arcess tn attach grease pencil Fig II42 Reference marks shrgultl ing bolts Fig 1140 be transferred tn new back curtain when step Z3 0f installation procedure is perfrwrmed 4 At earh rear quarter area remove attaching bolts securing rear quarter trim stick assembly NOTE Refer nt e marks must be made belrvw tm rear quarter inner panel Fig 1141 upper edge 0f rear trim stick 5 Remove rear trim stick attaching belts then 7 Using a pencil mark both ends ef rear and lift trim assembly with attached quarter and rear rear quarter trim sticks en vinyl surface of twy trim sticks an top of rear compartment front material Fig ll l3 panel I camera Roos sow I Q V In I I WIRE OR CORD Y X I W r fj I I I y I QI s gst s a as I A 2 T It nazi TOP COMIPARTMENT BAG I 7 I 1 GREASE PENCIL I w MARK CURTAIN BELOW UPPER EDGE OF Aj IQ REAR TR T CRI me I frwxim I Figl i I 40 T p Cmpumiienr Bqg Tied to Cerner Baw Fig I I 42 Loc ing Edge ot Top M e i I