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Body Service Manual August 1964 |

11 18 FOLDING TOP rx rear roof bow then remove back curtain assembly with attached trim sticks and top compartment bag r g from body and place on a clean protected surface so c gQ 12 Remove right and left nylon webbing from eg rear trim stick MARKS on ii a VINYL MATERIMI as 13 Using chalk or other suitable material mark INDICATINQ t ends of rear and rear quarter trim sticks on vinyl END OF II surface of back curtain material 1145 Ref lR M STICK 7 c erence marks for trim sticks should be transferred J to new back curtain material when step 3 of in II 0 stallation procedure is performed 14 Remove back curtain assembly from rear Fig I I 43 Marking Top M rerI I and rear quarter trim sticks 8 Remove screw securing escutcheon clip at Ins1 II Ii n each end of wire on binding on rear bow Remove wire on binding from rear bow Fig 1144 1 Preset spacer sticks to shortest length and install between center and rear roof bow Fig 9 Detach folding top trim from rear roof bow 1146 Adjust sticks so that dimension X in Fig and from rear and rear quarter trim sticks ure 1146 measured along spacer stick from front upper rolled edge of rear roof bow to center of 10 Carefully slide top trim forward exposing center bow is 14 7 8 tacked edge of back curtain at rear roof bow NOTE Dimension may vary 1lI 4 after back ll Detach nylon webbing and back curtain from curtain has been completely installed Tie or tape rear bow to rear side roof rails I rr rrrr 7 f rrrrr 2 Place new back curtain assembly on clean rVrVrrV rrV e ici covered work bench with interior surface ofback I rrV V Vr J rr j s light facing clown I r f V4 R I A 4 1 N 3 Carefully lay removed back curtain assembly I I gg g R over new back curtain assembly Using a grease I Yi A pencil mark vinyl surface of new back curtain using marked edge of old curtain as guide See II I steps 6 and 13 of removal procedure ln addition M tj mark trim stick bolt hole locations on new back iF r W V V J curtain assembly WIRE ON BINDING 7 REAR ROOF V I7 aoiirijlf fs rreer I 2 J eeer eeoiiii J i j jfJJ i r J J A A I J I r i 7 A I Y ij j If j 7Tj I I Escutci neon I I J J H V l 2 J rrrrr L Jerrr j7 i qa J56 I Sill C2 I fi yI ir 1 I It J Jr i on SECTION A A MARKS on vim MATERIAL moncninc sums or mM siicx Fig l 44 Re r Roof Bow Wire On Binding Fig I I 45 M rI1ing Bock Curtain