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Body Service Manual August 1964 |

ROOF PANEL FABRIC COVER 1J l FABRIC ROOF COVER ROOF PANEL FABRIC COVER 4 Remove flexible retainers securing fabric ALL STYLES EXCEPT 68069 cover inside right and left drip moldings Sec View A U1 The retainers may be re DESCRIPTION moved by inserting tip ef screwdriver or similar tool under retainer at front ef drip molding While The reef panel fabric cever is a vinyl coated exerting slight outward ferce on drip moldins with fabric covering applied to the reef panel The pliers disengage fingers of retainer from drip fabric covering is made in sections which are melding flange De notiiamage clrip n1eldiin dielectrically joined at the seams NOTE New flexible retainers sheuld be used On 25 26000 Series 39 styles and all 68000 when replacing fabric cover Series a felt pad is located between the fabric cevcr and reef panel The felt pad is cemented te 5 Prior te removing fabric cover application the reef panel with nitrile type non staining cement of heat te cemented areas will pcrmit easier The roof panel fabric is cemented around the leoseningef cemented edaes perimeter enly and net te the felt pad CAUTION Heat may be applied by lamps held On all ether styles the roof panel fabric is lB minimum frem fabric only until fabric is cemented te the entire surface ef the reef panel warm If lamps are held toe close or fabric with nitrile type non staining cement cover is heated ever 200 F the fabric may loose its drain blister er heceme very shiny The reef panel rever is attached at the windshield and back windew opening by drive nails er staples 6 Loosen cemented edges ef fabric reef cever Drive nails are used at the belt line ofthe rear at windshield side reef rails back windew and quarter area A flexible retainer secures the fabric rear quarter areas then carefully remove fabric cover inside the right and left drip moldings cever from remaining cemented area of reef panel Removal IMPORTANT On 25 26000 Series 39 styles and 68000 Series exercise care when removing l The following parts must be removed prior mbric COVE SO eh pdd will not be dHmm Ed to removing the reef panel fabric cover 7 Inspect felt padding and if necessary replace I Wmdshleld assembly damaged area Felt padding 1 lii should be used for replacement Paddins may be removed by b Buck Window HSS mb1y applying xylel solvent such as SM Adhesive Cleaner er equivalent te affected area Allew sel C R f v e1 Smlpg vent to dissolve adhesive and remove padding Excreisc care te avoid excessive seftenine to reef d Rear quarter belt reveal moldings pim paint finish e Reef extension panel emblem andfyer plate B Replace felt pad by Cememmg felt pad tn mljf assembly panel with nitrile vinyl trim adhesive f Reef panel molding rear of quarter window or rear deer t68339 57 Ins i n 2 Clean off all excess adhesive caulkini mate rial from windshield and back window epenings 1 Check all cementing surfaces on body te insure a smooth surface Cenienting surface must 3 Remeve drive nails andlor staples from edge be smooth to prevent liit lilighting of excess of fabric cover at windshield back window open cement through fabric cover after new cover has ings and at reef panel extension at belt been installed Clean off eld cement as required NOTE Drive nails can best be removed by NOTE A xylol solvent such as 3M Adhesive first I1 iViI1 11 S 1 9W I1 i 9 OY suitable teel Cleaner er equivalent sheuld be used te remove under the heads of the nails te leesen them er smooth out excess eld cement Apply solvent Diagonal cutters er similar teel can then be and allow te seakbefere rubbing used to grasp nails and twist them out Un necessary enlargement ef holes in roof panel CAUTION Be certain tn follow mnnuf icturer s should be avoided directions when using cleaner