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Body Service Manual August 1964 |

ROOF PANEL FABRIC COVER 1J 9 If it is necessary to trim material from outer 20 When installing back window be certain to edge of fabric cover around back window opening protect fabric cover from coming in contact with raise cemented edge and cut as required Edge of adhesive caulking material Adhesive caulking nia fabric cover should exist as shown in View F terial will permanently damage fabric cover ma Fig 1J5 Do Not Damage Paint Finish Remove terial Masking tape should be applied around back masking from roof panel IX F W window opening Tape may extend l 4 into openings 19 Install all previously removed moldings and uS5 mb1i S 21 Use mineral spirits kerosene or equivalent to remove back window adhesive caulking material NOTE Normally minor creases or fold marks from www U 1 will gradually disappear after cover assembly IES b in SQTVICGV IMPORTANT Do not apply excessive pressure when wiping cover as damage mav occur to IMPORTANT If nitrile adhesive is used fabric abut WVU I I cover should be allowed to dry approximately four hours after installation II fabric cover is subjected to extreme direct sunlight or heat 22 When installing roof extension panel em immediately after installation blistering due to blems be certain to apply adequate sealer between trapped solvents may occur fabric cover and emblems