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Body Service Manual August 1964 |

REAR QUARTER 2l T V f y ZL pi r rr ZZCiiiiii j iV r CC A V L LVVVV er rrr V Vi ViCiiQij rr r o r p I I 1 V VV V r E rrr C V V rr V VTTViVii g rr rrr r rr 1 I I s rrr Vpree rrrr V VV 7 V LII 7 JT rV 1 Mee V VV w C I I Ei i Y V V 1 VV 7 rrrr r rr rV i iV V VVV VV g1 2 VV VVVV V I I V x 4 V V rrr r VVEZVVTVTEVE VV V Q 1 C VVVVVVV VVV j 1 j Q 1 I B V ww I CIRCLE C I L 1 Y W LL ICCLIL 2 VVVV E IA 1 V I II I 1 II I L ig L VM I n VI IIT 1 I V L I VV C I I Vis L v1Ew1N CIRCLEA 1 L L Q r 1 I L3 V V V I V V huu Ji Q V v1Ew IN CIRCLE B I5 iI Hg 2ES Rem Oumrrer 11 11 1 I 1 11 11 Lan Side 2 RIV inove second folding sent bzivk rateh and REAR QUARTER REAR TRIM PANEL bumper assembly from wheelhouse ALL STATION WAGON STYLES EXCEPT I3435 AND 23335 STYLES LEFT IDE ltemove all trim uttiiching serews Lit tront S rvlir and hottoni oi whee1h1V use trim rover see Fi Rem v I cmd I sI lI i n 2127 l On 35 styles remove exposed s rew i1 bor t re t 1 if V l V B Fix 2E8I 4 With i putrv knife or other suitable ilzit Om eu el V pim bee WW m I1l iLIi LI tool Llisengaee trim retrxining clips from setiline plugs along top of wlitzelhoiise cover piinel 2 Working from front to rear with x fl it Iilriclml and remove panel from body see View C in tool Llisenguge trim retaining nlips from pl Lsti ZE sealing cups along upper edge of rear quarter rear trim panel see View A in Fig 2E8I NOTE The trim retaining elips and cor respooding plastic sealing plugs are givtiilable 3 With An upwarxl movement remove panel I r1 1n service parts Inocly 5 To inshxll reverse removal procedure 4 To install reverse remoriil procedure