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Body Service Manual August 1964 |

REAR QUARTER 2E ll 4 lnglall All tylln Jud hgll llwylyp mnp m lllS 3 Window Regulator Attaching Screws Manual previously reniovecl Apply body caulking compound over attaching screws to effect a watertight seal REAR QUARTER INNER PANEL SEALING s V c H 4 Window Regulator Attaching Screws Electric l 677 Sg xf S Apply black weatherstrip adhesive over attaching 33000 SERIES 27 37 67 STYLES screws and screw holes to effect a watertight seal 43000 AND 44000 SERIES 27 37 67 STYLES 5 Window Regulator Spindle Hole Sealing Washer Whgnever th 9Vu quclrtgr mm mum wqls have Apply black weatherstrip adhesive over exposed hugn dismrbedl the aren must be Ygsenled bgimw surtace ot washer to seal pores oi sponge rubber me ww qu u t I trim iq mqhued FOuOWmO we and to etiect a seal between washer and inner panel the inner panel openings and hardware attaching On Styles with DOWQY Olwmtgd Wl dOwS apply lofutmns that l EqLm E Sealing and the rgcmmnguded waterproof body tape and body caulking compound sealing material The numbers of the respective muuud Slmtthbox items reier to co r responding numbers in referenced Fiaures as follows 64 Wire Harness and Grommet Hole Power Op VV V V V V V V erated Windows Only Apply black weatherstrip 1 AMS me CM M Plus P1 M adhesive mma grornmet me wire to Gam 3 Sen to installation of access hole cover apply a bead of V V V between wire and grommet and between gromniet body raulking compound accross top and down sides md inner ymel ol openina After installation apply another bead of I rtaulking compound down outer edges of GCCESS hole V r cover at shaded areas in illustrations lVluk Cel 7 Rgguhmr Llit Arm Up Trav 1 SOP 31 j mm O effect H goml Seal at Screw lljcutilms and Styles only Apply body caulking compound over where cover crosses over to inside of inner panel Sm md iillachlng mu Prior to installation of sealing pl 1L S ilpply I 0dY Cuulkmg COmDOlmd Ujmplgtely m O md lqpgnlylg O NOTE Although not Called out on the illustra elfect Li Sail when plug is luStHll Cl tions but lust as necessary are seals at wire harness clip and seat back filler panel attaching g wlndow Guide and Glass Run Channgl Al screws and small gage holes and arm rest mplllmi Screws Apply body Cmllklng mmpmlllcl anchor nuts When any of these seals have been l wer Qitmohlng Screws tl Effect H Wateytlght Seal disturbed reseal with body eaulking compound