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Body Service Manual August 1964 |

2H 1H SEATS FOLDING SEATS AND FLOOR PANELS 55 AND 65 STYLE STATION WAGONS The 55 style Skylight station wagons have a The loek handle is depressed to lock the seat in full width folding second seat on whieh the seat baek the up position and pulled forward to release the folds flush with the floor panels A luggage com loek and allow the seat to be folded partnient is provided under the luggage eoinpart inent floor panel Fig 2H25 identifies the major Figure ZH26 identifies the major load floor load floor panels on the 55 style station wagon panels on the 65 style Skylight station wagon A split folding seeond seat 1 3 left sideli 2 3 right side is available as an option on the 55 FOLDING SECOND SEAT ASSEMBLY style Skylight station wagon RIGHT OR LEFT SEAT 65 STYLES The service procedures for the 55 style sta tion wagon folding second seat are the same as for Remogut Gnd installation the 35 style station wagon folding second seat l Remove rear door sill plate and turn back The GPM Stlllg Smtwll WASOUS h V Ti mu f0ldi floor carpeting suffieientlv to gain aecess to nuts Split S F md spat L3 ll lP hl Sidelt 2 3 l1 fl Sidel seeuring folding seat front and rear linkage to floor pan Fig ZHZT and ZH2Bl Both seetions of the folding seeond seat are hinged to the floor pan and can be fol ded forward to 2 Mark pgsitmu Of SSM mm Lum NHT lmkggg provide entranee room into the third seat area Sumwrtg ml HUOI lun tn hpihtute mgmuntimu M Also both sections ol the folding second seat baek Seat in Enum p r SiU m4 Can be folded flush with the floor panels A seat liaek lock loeated at the outer linkage of both right 3 Rgmmw Hut and wushgl RSS9mhht S Sgcurhm and left folding seeond seat backs locks the seat from and wm linkage t fh Y pun Fm 2Hgq and hacks in the up position and must be releasedto ZH28 them E m Sem assembly from b dy fold the seats 4 To install seat assembly reverse removal The mu 3 4 width f l ll lhlwl Seat iS1 i Vi l l procedure Align linkage floor pan supports with with an over center lock on the right side linkage pI Vir uS1y made marks p1 im yr tigmgmng nuts J ek F V rLi r L H t we o 5 n l I l ll eoe 7 t V ll i r e rrz e P W t l tlii o T ii F v F iis E F K ICD t ll lU C v r1 lil A y j f A J 1 I B F Fig 2l l26 Folding Seats and Rear Compartment Fig 2Ft25 Folding Seat and Rear Compartment Floor Panels 65 Style Station lN g0n Floor Panels 55 Style Station Wagon A Folding Second Seal Bocl Panel Lett and iliglwt A Folding Second Seat Back Panel B Rear Floor Filler Panel Lett and Right rr new Floor pgller pqnel Aggembly C Rear Floor Filler tat l tr l Upt Panel Q Rem Qompqrintgnt F Og Pqnel D Folding Third Seat Bacl Panel Assembly D Rear Compartment side Pqn Cover Panel lztglit m1 E L gg aS C p rtr Filler l l Left F Luggage Compartment Cover Panel E4 Luggage ggmpcnmem COVE pu wt G Compartment Side Pan Cover Panel Riglnt and Lett F T gmg nn Cove P n H Tail Gate Inner Cover Panel