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Body Service Manual August 1964 |

SEATS ZH 23 5 To install fwldins third seat and flr r panel attaclied rear flnrlr filler at kick up panel fruni assembly reverse remnval pr iredu1 e Make sure stmt USI1i Jll a seat back hinege pin bushing is installed uver bath lnnae pins Alsln install flat washer between seat 5 T0 install reverse 1 lllOV3l l1 0 U lUl IREIQY back linkage and rinmpartment side pan and spring tO inserts in Fig ZH34 f0r eorrect lIlSlB lliit10ll Oi washer between linkage and halt head Fig ZH34 linkage laults bushings and sprina washers FOLDING THIRD SEAT CUSHION TRIM ASSEMBLY LUGGAGE COMPARTMENT COVER PANEL AND 6S STYLES FILLER PANEL 65 STYLES Removal and Installation Removal und Installation l Raise folding third seat Raise frunt uf third seat ushirin and prnp in up pnsitiliin l Raise lugeaee crimpartinent cuver panel and suppnrt wv i panel in up pnsitiuii 2 Remuve hive rings securing seat back trim flap tw bnttrmi nf seat cushiun Fi ZH35 2 Reincive five 5 hex lieavl screws securing cover panel to eruss bar then remove lugeaee 3 Remiiwve seat cushion fraino tt sr at back panel emnpartinent mimver panel and filler panel attaching lnilt Fig ZH34 from buth sides of seat then remuve seat cushirin assembly and place un a 3 Tu install reverse reinrival prm e ilui e4 clean surfave 4 As a bench perati i n renitive he1 head screws seruring seat cushilin trim tw seat tzushion frame f Fi 21 135 and three screws securing rear edge C uf seat cushion trim tu seat cushion frame then i i i reinrive cushion trim assembly from cushinn frame 5 Tu install reverse remuval prucedure When C il installing seat cushion frame tl seat back frame T A attaehing bolts install belt bushing and spring W washer as shown in insert nf Fig 2H34 i FOLDING THIRD SEAT BACK TRIM ASSEMBLY I il I OR SEAT BACK PANEL ASSEMBLY ill B 65 STYLES V Removal and Installatian yy D l Reninve folding third seat and fl r panel as 5 semblv as previously described and ilace nn a clean surface 1 i 2 Remove hui rings securine seat back trim W3 flap tu bottom of seat cushion Fig ZH35 3 T0 remrinve seat back trim assembly remove pig 2H35 FOld g Iiii A gem Aggsmbly seat back trim tn seat back panel attaching screws Fig 2H35 then lift trim assembly upward tri A Third gem Back disengase wire lnnps rm seat back trim from sluts B Tiiiid gem Cushion ie Sell lm k lmllel and Gm V t l S lb1Y C Seat Baal Trim to Sent Back Pnnel Attaching S i e i D Cushion Tiim tc Cushion Frame Aaiaeliing Sci e i5 4 Tri remove seat bark panel assembly remove ig HOQ Rings ggciiiing gsm gmk Trim pim seat cushion frame tu seat back panel attaching p i OC iiO i O Cushion iiriiii 0 Cmiiimi pmme Aiiqciiing belt Fig ZHB4 then remtwve seat back panel with gC i Linda irim piqpi