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Body Service Manual August 1964 |

21 24 SEATS SEAT BELTS FRONT STANDARD SEAT BELTS ALL STYLES Removal amd InsT lI i n l Remove bolt on outboard seat belt anchor plate AVVS nt rocker inner panel and lIll ULlI Cl sent belt anvhor plate on side of floor pun tunnel See Fi ZH36 Q 2 Bentzh Type Seats Only Pull llllJOLll l bolt ll l l front of seat thru protector lmtl from between Q front sent Cushion und back Fig ZH37 To install reverse renlovnl procedure nmking T V ciertaiin that anellor plates are facing direction ol sent belt pull A N C H O R FRONT DELUXE SEAT BELTS WITH RETRACTORS PLATES I3000 SERIES PROTECTORS DESCRIPTION TSM As an option the 13000 series seat belts are ctvsliluble with seat belt retractors 0n the outboard F 9 2H 7 R V I Oi SSC Bells F B mll TYPE wm belt only The Outbcarcl sezlt belt must be fully ex tended and the inboard belt adjusted for individual A requiremems when the Seat belt is fastgned by the plate on side of floor pan tunnel by first Sllllllltl drwer Ur xnssgnwer when the Seat belt buckle is plastir boot up LV ziy from plates See Fiq 2H38 opt rated to cIisenE age the belts tho outboard belt L r willnuto1natic l1l v retmqt to the LUN puny 2 B ll ll Type beats Only Pull mhoglil IE L1 belt from front of seat thru protector Lind from RF lllL 1 i ll wud lLL t ll LtjLm nf Deluxe Qglt B t ll tW f1 O1lt Seat cushion and b lck See 2H37 l Remove bolt on twtltlitmml gmt belt mcLL n DLHLQ V 34 install reverse l Ll llUl 3l l LOCf ti1 1 E 1Il3klIlg Lit inner rocker panel and lnboarcl seat belt 3 IlFl1 l CENMH that Hmhm pmteb me Dune 1 mu U seat belt pull L ANCHOR PLATE PLAsTLC BOOT ANCHOR BOLT TTT T f T Tj f j i ANCHOR BOLT ANCHOR PLATE i LLL TT r lp Lev HL y L Ck sL jl 1 j T T LMT z TT i 11T l TL0OR PAN l jv r 2 T TUNNEL is will v v L X Fl OO EL ANCFOR BOLT 5 ANCHOR BOLT A T H PAN tv i INBOARD SEAT BELT PLAFTTC TLJNNEL T LQLAJL BOCST V VQQE LNBOARD SEAT BELT ANCHOR PLATE Li i V f T ANCHOR PLATE gt ROCKER INNER PANEL ROCKER LNNER PANEL OLTfBOARD SEAT BELT Tm OUTBOARD SEAT BELT TILL Fig 2H36 SL nd L d Sear Bell Armehmenrs All emepr Fig 2H38 DeL0Ae Sem Belr Attachments 68000 Series l5000 l6000 Series