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Body Service Manual August 1964 |

TOP TRIM FOLDING TOP TRIM ASSEMBLY COMPLETE c Side roof rail rear weatherstrip then l 67 STYLES loosen folding top quarter flaps from rails All 1965 coiiyertible top trim cover assemblies 3 At the front of body raise front roof rail re incorporate a top material hold down Gable alone move front weatherstrips then detach top material the rialit and left side roof rails The cables are from front roof rail Fie Zll installed through a retaining pocket in the top ina terial and are fastened at the front and rear side 4 Loosen front end of each side roof rail front rails by attaching screws The cables are designed weatlierstrip sufficiently to detach top material to hold the top material tight against the side roof flaps which are nailed and cemented to rails rail stay pads thus minimizing air leakage between Fig 212 the top material and the stay pads 5 At right and left side roof front and rear All 1965 back curtain assemblies incorporate as rails remove hold down cable front and rear an integral part of the back curtain upper valance attaching screws See views A and B in t 20 piece of elastic webbing The elastic webbing 2T3 is located in the upper corners of thc curtain The webbing reduces tension on the Zipper LISSEITIIJIY lit G At each side roof rear rail pull hold down the radius providing improved zipper p Y ii i cable forward until cable is completely removed from top material retaining pocket 7 At underside of front bow remove screws REMOVAL OF FOLDING TOP AND BACK securing listing pocket retainer to bow CURTAIN TRIM ASSEMBLY 8 Push top material upward sufficiently until 1 Place protective covers On all exposed panels 1 mium is disengaged mm bmw mlm mmov l C which may be contacted during procedure mim 1 from listing DOCKQL 2 REm We fouowing L m wl hutlwmg items 9 Detach folding top compartment bag from rear A A seat back panel thus exposing rear quarter and RPM 9 Cushm Md MCL rear trim stick atmeinng beats Irig 214 Forward A A end of top compartment bag may be tied or wired to b F i h mp m tI Em 1 l tum pduel center roof bow to provide ready access to attach assemblies mg bI 1tS TRIM STICK TOP MATERIAL FRONT weAT TERSTRIP l tl sum ROOF s l TI V T FRONT LVQI I I V RAIL weATHeRsTRu 7 7 V V A I Ii FRONT ROOF RAIL r I I I V V OIA TV T Ti w ij I VV I I c l K L V 0R veNATt V TOR MATERIAL rtw was new Fig 2 I l FT m ROOF Rail Assembly Fig 2 I 2 T p Mutenicxl Ar From Root R lI