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Body Service Manual August 1964 |

I X fi Vs 21 i r i C g I jj V 4 iV r T g Egg ff 1 I ivV V V rs iI l Q TZ rrr Vee r V fil P VV 5 1 V X1 II J I H f 1 eV V V ii W X I ri eax IRB rl I i nilwr rrrr Tii it I gw iii is T i I K rrrrr JF rrfivi III VV L Vi 2 rr r 4 to i II V I Vr rV A V M li V I it r rr E W y 7 lVf1Y It i I rrr rrrr V V rrr VVV V i MARK5 ON WM 0 TRIM ll K MATERIAL INDICATING TlA HlNG BOW END or TRIM sTIcI Fig 2 I 4 Trim Sriqk Armehmem Fig Z I M IL ing Fielding Top Meireiiql 10 Remove attaching belts securing rear quarter 13 To establish relationship ef old top material trim sticks to rear quarter inner panel Fig 214 to its position on rear trim sticks cut selvage end of top material off flush with lower edge of trim 11 Remove rear trim stick attaching bolts then Sti kS lift trim assembly with attached quarter and rear trim sticks on top oi rear compartment front panel CAUTION when Cutting top mBt I m1 be C u E tV i l z 12 To establish relationship of right and leit flgsfwzfg Cut www Selvqge elw UI Juk Lmtim inner vertical edge of old top material to back cur Em y t Ura ll it t ct Ck1i FI wk im lwenp YY 1 len um Eq 1 mf wm BTU 14 Using a pencil mark both ends ot rear and back curtain vinvl at both locations with a grease V V pencil Fin ZE R f l Pm Q mwks Qhnuld bg rear quarter trim sticks on vinyl surtace oi top I E bl 7 material Fig 216 Reference marks for trim transierred to new back curtain when step 6 ot r V sticks should be transferred to new top ma installation pi ocedure is permrmed terial when step 28 of installation procedure is NOTE Reiercnce marks must be made below performed upper edge of rear trim stick 15 Remove screw securing escutcheon clip at each end of wire on binding on rear bow Remove wire on binding from rear bow Detach top ma terial from rear roof bow and from trim sticks then remove top cover assembly I 16 Lock top to windshield header Install radius end of each adiustable spacer stick to fit against I y CENTER sow Y t VQ V FD Wifi V VVV c I i Vi V V VVV V ji UPPER EDGE OF A 4 7 DI Pts IN O VV Q A Y jV REAR TRIM STICK or RQR ROD nzw k EV SPAM STM AT cer nsRtINe I V x r r gi GREASE PENCIL A V V MARK CURTAIN LORD OR TAPE i BELOW UPPER V F Q r ig f EDGE OF REAR Te TRIM STICK mn Fig 2 I 5 L ri g edge of Top l A IeiI I Fig 2 I 7 I 5I II vii Ii oi Specei Bricks