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Body Service Manual August 1964 |

IMPORTANT When installing new or uver I fl I I hauled inr t r and pump zissembly as a bench I Iperati n fill reservoir tu specified level with MOTOR AND I hyI 1r iulic fluid This Ii peratir n is nevcssary as PUMP ASSEMBLY FILLER PLUG pump must be primed prinr tm cperatinn tn avriid AWIPIER I drawing excessive amount uf air into hydraulic I II Z EE Q E Ei 77 system HI UTC V Ii Y Tii I 777 I 1 I 7 Trim YIVY 4II I v Install liller plug adaptei te ieseivdii anc 71 I 7 I attach four nr five font length FII 3 16 inch I D I 1 fIi A UPPER SHELF I rubber tubing rxr hose tm filler plug tubing I W I YPANEL I d Install nppusite end nt hmse intw a Con In I HCS I I I tainer ml Gl l H Ll1 LLllIl Brake Fluid Super Ill I I I I nr equivalent See Fig ZITO HYDRAULIC I REAR COMPAMMENI I NOTE Crnitaiiier shnuld he plaeed in rear mam FLUID IT FLOOR PAN partment area Mt body belriw level wi fluid in CONTAINER the reservoir In addition sufficient fluid must I I be available in c I ntainer to avnid drawing air I I into hydraulir system U20 I rn Operate trap tu drawn er stacked pusitien F G I HO F H IMM After tmp is fully l i wI red cdntinue tri operate Ig I v I mg e ITII I II lllOtI I1 and pump assembly Itxppruxiiiiately I5 t I 20 seeunds mr until noise level Iivf Jump is for the weivht If the felding tm meehanisni when I l s nutieeahlv reduced R ILlLl IlI IlI in Jump n iSe the t0 is at or near the tull Ll I 1 fLllll OlClE Cl in I I I I level indicates that hydraulic system is filling sitions When the tdp is in the up pr sitiIiIn the with lluid spring is under er mpressi In when it is in the folded ur stacked ppsitiim the spring is under I Operate top several times ur until nper tension ati0n III tup is erwnsistently smrmth in hnth up and II wuI yq1g SY 7777 7 77 I XI 4 Remove hose trum tiller plug tubing and I I i e1nr ve filler plug adapter funn resei v iIir I li Cheek level ni fluid in reserv Iir and re install wriginal filler hule plug I I ry I I ir R I T of I NOTE Fluid level should be within III4 inch nt I II I luwer edge LII Iiller plug hole IY I I VN II I III I FOLDING TOP MANUAL LIFT ASSEMBLY I I II III II I I K ALL CONVERTIBLE STYLES WITH MANUALLY a I IIIIPQI OPERATED FOLDING TOPS I I II g It I rII III III xx I p W lLgrrj7 I fig A DESCRIPTION I If I L 777 y e7 L I I s 57l2 2 I ICI y 7 I jeg y III The manual litt assembly imwrpinrates A dual OUTER A yACHINgf z Q g II Ir I I ti n1 heavy duty spring whieh helps compensate I BOLT I IIDDEN rf lj W I I I I II I X P I I I E 5f jj g INNER AIIACIIING BOLT III L IIIIII Q I 4 III I SOLDER 7 I III Q Im I I7m 7 PJ Fig 2 I ci IYeseI ImII FIIIe Phlg Adapter Fig 2 I Tl nu I LIII Aszembly