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CONTENTS I I CHART 7 INDEX I ALPHABETICAL V INDEX V 0 000 l ENGINE CLUTCH V 1 000 I COOLANT GRILLE OIL SYSTEM I 2 000 CHASSIS V ELECTRICAL SYSTEM IRUCK W l FUEL EXHAUST CARBURETION I V Reprinted in its Entlrety me TRANSMISSION EFFECTIVE FEBRUARY 1987 BRAKES All illustrations and specifications contained in this literature are based on the Bmmg mo REAR latest production information available at the time of publication approval I AXLE ANEDRNE General Motors Corporation reserves the right to make changes at any time I V without notice in colors materials equipment specifications and models and 6 000 i also to discontinue models FROM II AXLE STEERING I IMPORTANT I 7 000 Light Tnick vehicles for 1979 S4 contain many parts dimensioned in the FRAME SPRINGS metric system These parts are very close in dimension to familiar cus BUMPER tomary measurements in the inch system It is important that during any I vehicle maintenance procedure replacement fasteners have the same 8000 measurements as those removed whether metric or customary Mis SHEE METAL matched or incorrect fasteners can result in vehicle damage or malfunc HEATER tion or possibly personal injury I Fastener sizes denoted on illustrations may not reflect metric dimensions gong I However since the same vehicle may be built with metric or customary BODY MTG Am fasteners care should be exercised in selecting replacement part equiv c0ND N 1 n I alent to the original fasteners in dimensions strength and pitch of thread I Both metric and customary fasteners required for replacement are listed in the Service Parts Operations Standard Parts Catalog 89 CAB mggony A special Service Pens Operations label saying lvletrie Fasteners lie PAFWS quired in red letters will be used to identify service parts which require I metric fasteners but replace parts which originally used inch fasteners 1 n0D l This label will enable dealers and over the counter customers to quickly LOAD CARRIER V V recognize parts which have changed to metric fasteners PARTS GENERAL MOTORS CORPORATION NUMERICAL INDEX LIGHT TRUCK 52A I GEllERAL MOTORS SERVICE PARTS OPERATIONS LT TRUCK 52A I l i Y