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Parts Catalog 14 June 1979 |
ALPHABETICAL INDEX L SEAL Rear Axle U Joint 4 4 4 5 430 SHAFT Axle 4 44 4 4 5 420 SHAFT Differential Plnlon 4 5 517 LEVER Breka Shoe Automatic Adjusting 4 5 103 SHAFT Propeller r 4 4 l 4 4 5 544 LEVER Parklng Brake Shea 5 l49 SHAFT Rear Axle Control Ami 5 381 i LINK Brake Shoe Automatic Adjusting Lever 5 105 SHIELD Flange Plate 5 002 LOCK Rear Axle U Jolnt 5 428 SHIELD Rear Wheel Bearing Dust 5 815 LOCK RING Universal Joint Trunnlon end Yoke 5 585 SHIM Differential Clutch PosItraction 5 511 SHIM KIT Differentlal Bearing Adjusting 5 537 SHIM KIT Pinion Shaft Bearing 5 450 SHIM Rear Axle Control Arm 5 380 M SHIM Rear Wheel 5 855 SHOE KIT Brake with Facing Metallic 5 017A SHOE KIT Brake with Facing Non Metallic 5 017 MEMBER Rear Axle Control Arm 5 380 SOCKET Brake Shoe Adjusting Screw 5 1Il SPACER Differential Bearing Adjusting 5 537 SPACER Pinlon Shaft Bearing 5 453 SPACER Rear Axle Shaft Bearing 5 8 I6 N SPACER Unlversal Joint Yoke Tnmnion 5 566 SPINDLE Rear Wheel 5 805 SPRING Brake Drum 5 810 NUT Brake Shoe Adjusting Screw 5 111 SPRING Brake Shoe Automatic Adjusting Lever 5 107 NUT Hub Front and Rear 5 813 SPRING Brake Shoe 5 028 NUT Propeller Shaft Pinion Flange 5 595 SPRING Differential Clutch Positraction 5 511 NUT Rear Axlo Control Arm 5 383 SPRING KIT Brake Shoe 5 028 NUT Rear Axle 5 829 SPRING Parking Brake Shoe Lever 5 151 STEM Tire Valve 5 875 STRAP Rear Axle Rebound 5 390 STRAP Universal Joint Tmnnlon end Yoke 5 585 O STRUT Parking Brake Shoe Lever 5 150 STRUT Rear Axle 5 415 STUD Rear Axle 1 ie Rod l I 5 418 0 RING Rear Axle Shaft Bearing or Huh 5 822 SUPPORT Brake Flange Front 5 001 ORNAMENT Wheel Cover Appearance 5 871 SUPPORT Rear Axle ontrol Arm 5 380 SUPPORT Rear Axle le Rod 5 418 P V PIN Brake Shoe Anchor 5 055 PIN Brake Shoe 5 043 VALVE Tlre Valve 5 875 PIN Front or Rear 5 803 VENTILATOR Rear Axle 5 387 PIN KIT Brake Shoe Hold Down 5 043A PIVOT Brake Shoe Automatic Adjusting 5 103 PLATE Brake Flange Rear 5 00lA Pune were sim euaaa was W PLATE Differential Clutch Poaitramion 5 511 PLATE KIT Differential CIutr h Poaltracti n 5 511 V PLATE Rear Axle Control Ann a 5 381 WASHER Brake Shoe Adjusting 5 1 10 PLATE Rear Axle Rehound r I 5 390 WASHER Brake Shoe Anchor in 5 056 PLUG Axle Filler and Drain 5 400 WASHEFl Differential Carrier Mounting 5 500 WASHER Differential Pinion Thrust 5 542 WASHER Differentlal Side Gear Thrust 5 543 WASHER Parking Brake Lever Anchor 5 158 j R WASHER Propeller Shaft Pinion Flange 5 595 I V WASHER Rear Axle 1 5 387 WASHER Rear Axle 5 830 REPAIR KIT Universal 5 548 WEIGHT Wheel Balance x 5 805 RETAINER Parking Brake Lever Anchor 5 158 WHEEL Front or Rear 5 803 RETAINER Rear Axle Bumper 5 384 RETAINER Rear Axle Control Arm 5 381 RETAINER Rear Axle Shaft Bearing 5 8I6 RETAINER Wheel Cover Appearance i 5 87 I Y RING Differential Clutch Poeitraotion 5 511 RING Rear Axle Shaft Bearing 5 8I6 RING Rear Axle U Joint 5 428 YOKE Rear Axle Universal Joint 5 425 RING Wheel Cover Appearance 5 871 YOKE Universal Joint and Transfer Case 5 555 ROLLER Universal Jo nt Yoke Trunnion 5 585 S SCREW Axle Filler and Drein 5 400 SCREW Brake Shoe Adjusting 5 1 I0 SCREW Pinion Shaft Lock 5 518 SCREW Ring Gear 5 531 SCREW Wheel Cover Appearance 5 871 SEAL Drive Pinion 5 469 SEAL KIT Rear Axle Shaft Bearing or Hub 5 822 SEAL Propeller Shaft Universal Jolnt Trunnion 5 580 SEAL Rear Axle Shaft Bearing or Huh 5 822 GM PARTS DIVISION GENERAL MOTORS CORPOR ATION Cl IEVROLE I 14 IN DEX 5 2 A