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Body Service Manual August 1964 |

GENERAL INFORMATION 4A 1 1 1000 SERIES DESCRIPTION TRIM CLEANING PROCEDURE This publication contains the essential removal fhzilesexgill CIIi I l 1i FI F imfA lnmted in the installation adjustment and maintenance procedures ir U L U A E for servicing all 1905 Fisher Body Styles in the GENERAL BODY CONSTRUCTION 11000 Series This information is current as of time of publication DESCRIPTION AH Pages and HEUYB numbers C V9Yh bOdY The 11000 series bodies are of unitized construc SIYIQS in this SGTIQS Wiilbe1 1 I dI Yth figure tion with provisions for the attachment of an inde 4 specific body areas ex Front End Doors pendent front end skirt assembly The front end Folding Top are identified by the IGIIGTS A skirt assembly incorporates attachment provisions B em i 11 hziI t vr I r The fu stp s rm me front end sneer mem nom suspension or Uh I 0dY Y 9 S GCUOU 15 k I with l 1 k system engine and other mechanical components mb C Sl7 J d1 Z With th tiibl oi O t t D3 The removable front end skirt assembly covered BODY NUMBER PLATE in detail lll the FRONT END SKIRT ASSEMBLY section ot chassis manual The body number plate identifies the body style body number trim combination number paint code The b dY IS OI lmeqmd all St l 1dEd COU aud Iimg INIII COde 4A1T The plate IS IOCHIHI struction The over all rigidity of the body is drawn Ou the l IgIII upper VEYIICCII Surface Of me dash panel from each of the individual metal components IIIFQWQIII which when welded together comprise the body shell assembly Panels forming the cowl and dash and underbody incorporate attachment provisions for the front end skirt assembly and rear suspen ONm E T wD E sion system These panels therefore contribute W Itnt s TI mI ti the greatest amount of strength to the body tmaym I TNIM a assembly 7 gIa giIIIi rdiek ibi kraou srs T UNDERBODY 65 T A5 FBD T23A56 GENERAL SERVICE INFORMATION TTR A A Since each individual underbody component con I I T T tributes directly to the over all strength of the I T T body it is essential that proper welding sealing I I I and rust proofin techniques be observed during Q Digi BY HERr s W ET service operations Underbody components should WMNUMWYT T I T mM QTm be rust proofed whenever body repair operations g which destroy or damage the original rust roofing l emo Ie i I It are completed When rust proofing critical under body components it is essential that a good quality type of air dry primer be used such corrosion resistant zinc chromate It is not advisable to use Fig 4AI Body Number Ptme combination type primer surfacers UNDERBODY ALIGNMENT CHECKING PROCEDURE DESCRIPTION station wagon tail gate and back body opening align ments Most important however underbody mis The unda budy is wml ISE d Hf Imdy dash from alignment can influence the suspension system I H CE S Indy IDU pan Tar SS IHRCESY body CUm thereby causing many of the problems that arise partmeut pm Side HIIISI hmm and Outer rocker from a suspension misalignment It is essential panels and other floor panel components The thT9 f fO thfft d I bf IY 1 i m E t be exact t uaaepbody is O all welded ceamumqn Misalign W th lw16 1tI Si l h e S1 S ment in the underbody can affect front fender dOO1 In the event of collision damage it is important 1 F OmP3 tm t Hd Bild glass 0P i Z 1iU m t that underbody alignment be thoroughly checked