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Body Service Manual August 1964 |

4B 2 LUBRICATION LUBRIPLATE LUBRIPLATE ii r G f y Q i ng we a I D Fig 4B6 Do r Locl Outside Handle REAR COMPARTMENT LID HINGES HM ALL STYLES EXCEPT STATION WAGONS Fig 4B4 Re rComp rImei1t Lid Lock Apply Lubriplate t0 hinges at friction areas Fig 4B5 DOOR JAMB SWITCH Wipe off dirt and apply a thin coat of Lubriplate to the end surface of switch plunger Wipe aff DOOR LOCK OUTSIDE HANDLE excess lubricant Apply a coat of Lubriplate to surface 0f lock cylinder shaft contacting bell crank Fig 4136 TAIL GATE HINGES STATION WAGON STYLES Wipe 0if dirt and apply a small amount 0f drip less oil tu frictienal areas DOOR WINDOW REGULATOR CAMS AND LOCKING RODS FOLDING SEAT LINKAGE STATION WAGON STYLES Apply It coat of Lubriplate to areas indicated in Figure 4B 7 and Figure 4B8 Wipe 0ii dirt and apply a sparing amount of dripless 0il t0 all fricticnal areas Work linkage several times and wipe off excess lubricant M Ju Ae e Ali Qjir JJ r i r V I VVV ll V A J J rrr iii iii rr DT i ji V r rrrr A ii ai 7 i i rr i i f J Af J V L tuBr PLATE A J HTNGE AT PIVOT my LUBRIPLATE 7 sEcn0r AVA Fig 4B7 D r wmdew Regulmoi Cqms Guides Fig 4B5 Re r Compartment Lid Hinge cmd Locking Rods