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Body Service Manual August 1964 |

FRONT El D 4 H 8 Using a pressure type applicator seal inner and outer lips of rubber channel to glass with an rrrrrrr an n Q approved weatherstrip adhesive See 2 Fig V 1 4C5 Seals are to extend completely around rubber channel V N 9 Clean off excess sealer from windshield glass K L I with mineral spirits t V l0 Reinstall all previously removed parts and c remove protective coverings n T c fe 42 r r rT sc J 1 WINDSHIELD REVEAL MOLDINGS r sleek J The windshield reveal moldings are secured in a igif i ry ZCT5 VQ cavity of the windshield rubber channel The mold i rr r lz ings consist of an upper and lower reveal molding o 3 V and a right and left side reveal molding The ends smion cc l ot the side reveal moldings overlap the upper and I ya lower reveal moldings if J ha sscuc N a n I Removal rl llomove windshield assembly from body and Fig 4C5 S9 Hnq O Windshi kl GMES and Ommez place it on a protected bench V MINOR WATERLEAKS AT WINDSHIELD 2 Locate and mark center of upper and lower 1 e 1 1 ee ln many instances minor waterleaks around the 3 C N I H Y X i V I 1 windshield maybe corrected by performing the folr are u y remove side ieyea m0ldinp s fiom 1 jwmg Up m tiOnS4 cavity ot rubber channel then remove upper and mwer reveal mO1dmgS 1 Leaks between rubber channel and glass a Using a pressure applicator plews oiler or Ins I i n equivalent with a narrow tip apply an approve i weatherstrip adhesive black between glass and 1 lnstall and center upper and lower reveal rubber channel on the outside of the glass com molclings in cavity of rubber channel then install pletely around perimeter of glass side reveal moldings 2 Leaks between rubber channel and body NOTE To facilitate installation ofthe moldings apply a mild soap solution to the cavity of the a Use a pressure applicator with a narrow tip rubber channel prior to installing the moldings Working from outside of body apply medium bodied sealer under outer lip of rubber channel Z Install windshield assemblv in body around entire perimeter of body opening