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Body Service Manual August 1964 |

4C 4 FRONT END BODY VENTILATION The body ventilating system incorporates the use To install apply a generous bead of medium ol an air intake grille which is an integra part of bodied sealer to flange of duct assembly Fig 4CG the upper shroud panel The air entering the shroud and reverse removal procedure top grille flows throuah a duct which guides the air into the body through a shroud side duet panel and air outlet assembly The door in the outlet as sembly regulates the flov of air and is adjusted by SHROUD SIDE AIR OUTLET DOOR the use of a cable and knob control which is at tached to the shroud side trim panel Water enter Remo I dI I II I int the air inlet grille flows down the shroud side vu an ns G U Ion duct panel and is discharged into the front end of III I I the rocker panels The rocker panels contain open Rgmwc UUHQI 1119 IF 4C7I s JYttl ewz V lf l a o mgs l U MI U em Ol l Imf 2 Disconnect control cable from door Fig 4CbI SHROUD SIDE TRIM PANEL AND 3 Press down on upper door hinge pin Fig 4C6 AIR OUI IE I Duc I ASSEMBLY and remove door assembly RQITIOVCII and IIISIIIIIMIOII 4 To install reverse removal procedure 1 With a flat bladed tool screw driver or equiv a1ent I pry the outlet grille from the assembly SHROUD SIDE AIR OUTLET F1 4CT DOOR CONTROL CABLE 2 Remove screws attaching trim and duct as Rgmomland IHSIGIIGIIM sembly to shroud I l Remove outlet grille Remove sill plate 2 Disconnect cable on door 4 Remove trim panel to hinge pillar attacliingi gt pgI v IFiI I 4 T 7 and pigmijivp giggemblyy 3 Remove retainer securing control assembly t0 trim panel Fig 4C6 and remove control as I f 4 Y4 i ii a M w s e mbly I PRESS PIN DOWN I 4 To install reverse removal procedure I AI iw I I i iF I I I I or V a I I I V I I e I NiII II II sai It I I I II I I I I II I I QI I I II I I I III I I I I IIII I II I I I II III I IIII I I t I IISIII I IIIII III t F I II I I V I I I III I I I I I I III VV r II I I A I I II I I eil I I I V I II II II I I I II III I oppeiz ITRIM PANEL I I II I i V I I IIIIII I I I I II II I GRIIIE III I V II I IIIIIIio Hmoe i iuAie T II I II I NTI II IT Vr I ILIIATTACHING SCREW RETAINER I I II I iI I I III I IIN 4V I I I I I II IILIIIF IIII I III II I 4 I IIJI I II III II III II II HI II I II I I I QI II I II I 3 I IIII I II I comizoi CABlE J II Ii I if I I II I to moore I I j III Y I IjIIiI I II I I x I I II I HI f IIIIRII I I DUCT1 ATTACIHIIIIG 3QR semen IIIII st Q III EWS IIIII Fig 4C6 iii Ooiiei Duct Assembly Fig 4C7 Siiroiid Side Trim P eI