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Body Service Manual August 1964 |

DOORS 4D 9 SIDE ROOF RAIL WEATHERSTRIP SIDE ROOF RAIL WEATHERSTRIP 2 Apply weatherstrip cement at section joint in 37 STYLES retainer as shown in View B of Figure 4D1G The side roof rail weatherstrip assembly is a 3 Apply a continuous bead approximately 3 l6 one piece design and is secured to the front body diameter of weatherstrip adhesive along entire hinge pillar by ai retaining clip The remainder of outboard surface of side roof rail weatherstrip the weatherstrip is secured to the side roof rail retainer see Section MA A in 4D16 by a weatherstrip retainer and reveal molding 4 Beginning at rear end of weatherstrip care fully engage inboard edge of weatherstrip into Rem v weatherstrip retainer Using a flat bladed tool install outboard edge of weatherstrip into weather 1 Remove retaining clip securing weatherstrip Strrp remmer at front body hinge pillar 5 Install retaining clip at front body hinge pillar 2 Carefully disengage inner lip of weatherstrip from retainer Using a flat bladed tool carefully break cement bond between weatherstrip and side SIDE ROOF RAIL WEATHERSTRIP roof rail weatherstrip retainer and reveal molding ADJUSTMENTS 37 STYLES 3 Remove weatherstrip assembly from body With doors and windows closed door and rear Ins II i n quarter window upper frames should mwe an even continuous contact with the side roof rail weather 1 Clean off old cement from side roof rail strip lf necessary adjust weatherstrip ventilator weatherstrip and weatherstrip retainer to insure door window or rear quarter window to obtain a clean cementing surface proper weatherstrip contact Q 0i i vc 7 R 3 iiii F WEATH ERSTRIP pl jr r V rrrr zi X I i i wxn e w r r I A ii E FASTENER 9 E r VIEWE xx Qi rrrr Ar SIDE noor RAIL A Bf rrr ix ii U EALE Mrs 6 ae Q 4 Ni M irq y WEATHERSTRIP W 55 j r QN 3 5 gei1 ADHESIVE RETAINER wary s r I Ti it WEATHERSTRIP rrr Jr SECTION C C VIEWA I AI 0 Fig 4DI6 SicIe Roof Rail Wemherstrip ond Retainer