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Body Service Manual August 1964 |

DOORS 4D 11 FRONT DOORS ALL STYLES V L rFi gurer 4Dl 7 is typical of hard top and con VENTILATOR I O CASTING vertiblc style front doors with the trim assembly yy nnd inner panel water deflector removed This FRAME SCREWSjlE 9 illustration identifies the component parts ol the 1 front door assembly their relationship and various fr attaching points ff Q FRONT DOOR HINGES T ALL STYLES IT f g The front door hinges for all styles are ti swing VE Nll LATO R in type The lower hinges are constructed of jA5TlNG BOLT malleable iron and the upper hinges are aluminum l Q An integral check and hold open feature is incor l porated in the lower hinge Agri CAUTION Use only the recommended proce T M dures for adjusting front doors The upper hinge L is constructed of aluminum which will break gf Q VENTILATOR CASTING under strain of bending in an attempt to short out V1 r J ADJUSTI NG STUD adjustments Cure should also be exercised when Q Q A N D N UT Q removing or replacing door assembly V kemovot T g J The front door assembly may be removed with UPPER HINGE SQREWS or without the hinges tt 1ched If door is removed Q i T J q l l J 1 7 3 E t V X T if T ll 1 T T f TT 1 l il I I if a l T X Q 2 J s b l gi pl T tx T L M l 7 I W Y to 1 T T 1 lt F eral lil T T T lb 1 Til j Teh Y l 1T l T T T f 1 r T 1 l r rr r 7 l 1 T I T U J W J l 1 H Lower HINGE scrzews 1 sl l A E 1412 Y T T Fig 4Dl3 F onl Door Assembly or V ww without hinges attached removal can be 1coom T plished without loosening the front fenders li Hg 4m7 Fr0m DOM Hardware door is removed with hinges itt tt l1e tlo1 ifihinges are repldced the front tender must be loosened I Door Window llegulotor Assembly To remove the front door Assembly witlioul 2 Door Window Front Stop Assembly hinges ottached proceed ds follows J Dom Wmdow LOWE Sash Chwmgl Cum 1 Open door and nmrk hinge location on front 4 Door Inner Punel Com Assembly V 5 oss 1Tya T1 TT rw stop Assembly l o Door Window Gloss Ron Channel Assembly 2 With aid ot helper to properly support door 7 Door Lock Assembly remove screws securing upper and lower hinges to 8 Door Look Remote Control To Look Rod Assembly door and remove door assembly without hinges 9 Door Lock Remote Control Assembly from body See Fig 4Dl8i