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Body Service Manual August 1964 |

4D l2 DOORS 2 With aid of helper reinstall door to body opening align hinges within scribe marks and g in a V r rr HEAVY BODIED tighten screws Check door for proper operation O E rrrri r SEALER and alignment and adjust door if required as L G r Q O described under Front Door Acljustments x Q l iji att O NOTE For lubrication of hinges see BocIy rr Of f7 Lubrication Section 4B I i t V W UPPER PHNGE Igillf Q 1 To remove the front door assembly with hinges V i i 4 attached proceed as follows I L or kjjtm l Loosen fender as required The preferred I D U method is to remove the first six top fender bolts Q num ber one being on the cowl and working toward the front bumper Also remove one lower fender I bolt below body hinge pillar panel just forward of I LOWER HINGE 3 rocker panel Hold rear of fender away from the i body with a wooden block L I 2 Mark hinge locations on body hinge pillar Fig 4DI 9 Se Iing of Front Door Hinge Assembly 3 With aid of helper to properly support door Ins II a n remove screws securing upper and lower hinges to body and remove door assembly with hinges from l As an anti squeak precaution and to prevent body See Figs 4D20 and 4D21 entry of water into body hinge attaching bolt locations coat attaching surfaces of hinges with heavy bodied sealer prior to installing door See Ins lI vion F ig 4D19 l As an anti squeak precaution and to prevent 1 entry of water into body at hinge attaching screw locations coat attaching surfaces of hinges with UPPER HINGE scHEWs ATTACHING BOLT LOCATIONS I I i I I a ti 1 g T me ILOWER HINGE SCREWS 7 E Q Ie gf WOODEN BLOCK fg VA QI 4 4 ir I r r i t I A V 1 e 4 f 2 M14 P ig i m M l4l5 Fig 4D20 Front Door Hinge Removal Fig 4DZI Loesening Front Fender