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Body Service Manual August 1964 |

DOORS 4D 13 heavy bodied sealer prior to installing door See Fig 4D22 HEAVY BODIED SEALER 2 With aid of a helper reinstall door to body opening Align hinges within scribe marks and tighten screws Check door for proper operation A ri and alignment and adjust door if required as described under Front Door Adjustments M r J Ga 3 Reinstall and tighten front fender attaching screws cth afi ei 44 tb G NOTE For lubrication of hinges see Bocly B Lubrication Section l se Q5 VIEW A FRONT DOOR ADJUSTMENTS 4 ALL STYLES Door adjustments are provided through the use K 79 7 of floating anchor plates at the door and body 4 pillars When checking the door for misalignment 4 HEAVV BODIED SEALER and before adjusting the door remove the door lock striker from the body pillar to allow door to VIEW B jij hang free on hinges To adjust the door up or down andyor fore or aft at the front body hinge pillar proceed as follows Fig 4D22 Se ing Front Dom Hinge 1 Loosen rear of front fender FRONT DOOR REMOTE CONTROL 2 Mark location of hinges on front body hinge ASSEMBLY AND CONNECTING ROD pillar ALL STYLES 3 Loosen hinge attaching screws and shift door R m v md ns H n to desired position and tighten hinge attaching 1 Raise door window Remove d0or trim assemr screws See Fig 4D20 bly and detach inner panel water deflector 4 Check door for proper alignment and where 2 With aid of a screwdriver or other suitable necessary repeat steps 2 and 3 above until desired tool disengage end of connecting rod from lock adjustment is attained assembly 5 Reinstall door lock striker and check lock 3 Remove bolts securing remote control assem extension to sn iker engagement as described un bly to door inner panel Pull remote control away dey DO0y Lock striker Adjustmej jts from door inner panel and rotate remote assembly one quarter turn to disengage it from connecting To adjust door in or out and or up or down rod proceed as follows 4 Remove remote control assembly and con 1 Open front door necting rod from door See Fig 4D23 2 Mark location of hinges on front door hinge 5 To install reverse removal procedure Check pillar Operation of door lock prior to installation of inner panel water deflector 3 Loosen hinge attaching screws and shift door to desired position and tighten hinge attaching FRONT DOOR VENTILATOR ASSEMBLY screws See Fig 4D18 H 69 STYLES The front door ventilator assembly is a manually 4 Check door for proper alignment where Operated friction typg unit for au Styles necessary repeat steps 2 and 3 above until desired adjustment is attained Removul und lns lI i n 5 Reinstall door lock striker and check lock extension to striker engagement as described un 1 Raise door window remove door trim assem der Door Lock Striker Adjustments bly and detach inner panel water deflector