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Body Service Manual August 1964 |

4D 14 DOORS vi 7 V di i g ii assembly by one attaching bolt and one adjusting i e ji stud and nut The front facing of the ventilator l yl frame is secured to the ventilator casting by four attaching screws ll lll lv 2 Rerrrevel und Irrsielleiien r I I lll l Remove ventilator casting to door hinge iillar F i 3 ij F A l LV panel attaching bolt and lower adjusting stud nut xg 7 rj vc l 5 I j 2 Remove tour Ventilator casting to ventilator Q T ta M W FF F jwfmi l lg flame attaching screws and iemove assembly fiom it yi F iw E R door see rig rims tri el y 7 i j W Q4 i l ip 3 A slight tore and aft adjustment oi the venti Jl j i i it Fl lator casting can be obtained at the lower adjusting Q L f Fl F stud and nut F Z I 7 m F nig ri si eg re l 7 v jj e nr irilj FRONT DOOR VENTILATOR ASSEMBLY F g L da r L it is Y m 37 STYLES 4 6 v The front door ventilator assembly is a manually operated friction type unit on all styles Fig 4D23 Fren Door Herdwere Afloclwment Removal und Installation l v i lndow Frenre lo i eniilerer Arreclring Sei ews 1 Raise door window remove door trim assem L renirleier lo Door Inner Penel Arreehrng bcrew V V V bly and detach inner nanel water detlector l e spring Clip tlrrddeni 4 Remote Control Attaching Bolts 5 Deer Leek Cennecring Red Ventileter Divisien Chennel Lower Adjusting Stud end Mer F M 1 Window Lower Stop Adgesrane Stud and Nut r gF F 7 i1V rJA L r 4rr il ii ii 2 Remove door lock remote control assembly l and connecting rod l F Remove door window lower stop and ventilator x 2 division channel lower adjusting stud and nut See i Fig 4D23l IQ 4 Carefully lower door window to extreme lower ll position Remove door window frame to ventilator M al attaching screws and ventilator to door inner panel F l attaching screw i jr 5 Tilt ventilator assembly rearward until CISSP l J i of window frame assembly and lift ventilator in 5 i board and upward and remove from door r CAUTION After ventilator has been removed in u lO0l glass should be held or otherwise suitably j e m wr supported to prevent damage me 6 To install reverse removal procedure Check operation of ventilator and door window assembly and where required adjust ventilator assembly F 4D24 I F D F H F as described under Front Door Ventilator lg 37 67 Sly E mnt O0 mdmr Anuchmms l m t 1 Ventilator Frome Io Door inner Penel Rerern Flange Atteehing Screw hidden FRONT DOOR VENTILATOR CASTING 2 Ventilator Frdnre To Deer Inner PonelAtt cl1ing Screw 37 STYLES 3 Remote Control Aneehing Bolts 4 Ventilator Division Channel Lower Adjusting The front door ventilator casting is used on all srnd end Nur 3 7 styles and is secured to the front door 5 Lower Stop Aneelring Bells