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Body Service Manual August 1964 |

DOORS 4D 21 REAR DOORS REAR DOOR HARDWARE i 35 AND 69 STYLES f egg 2 Figure 4D33 is typical of rear doors with the E a ixeg trim assembly and inner panel water deflector I removed This illustration identifies the component I parts of the rear door assembly their relationship Q rr V Mui ij r and various attaching points fJ S UPPERVHINGE TO DOOR Q J I ATTACHING SCREWSQ REAR DOOR Hmoes Il 2 23 y t t ss AND o9 swiss i yl g w Both rear door hinges are constructed of mallea 1 img A S 29 ble iron on all styles with an integral door check T V incorporated in the lower hinge The rear door Sa assembly may be removed with or without the f 3 V 4 S hinges attached l F Removal ll S l V j 1 Mark hinge location on door hinge pillar o1 if gjgj fr center pillar depending on method of removal 2 TI beingused jy w LOWER HINGE TO DOOR T ATTACHING SCREWS zzw 1 S 4 j lV o i ll ll 2 i l l lll A lA 8 l ln geeefalx ee eaiere i to M F j f llL 3 Fig 4D34 Re r Door Hinge Attoclwrnent r rrrrr V u rii it y r l rl yr V O i A 2 With door properly supported i m0V l1l D 1 tl and lower hinge attaching screws See Fig 4D34 yr 5 and Fig 4D35 l l Lt I 6 7 3 With aid of helper remove door from hotly l V V r rrrrrr jj Vrrr 7 rr V Q Q opening 9 i r 7 Q l r rr r V V 8 N lnstollotion Fig 4D33 Reor Door Horclwore 1 Carefully clean off old sealing compound at l Door Upper Frorne 35 Styles hinge 3I 3 2 Door Upper Frome 69 Styles 3 poor rock Assembly 2 As an anti squeak precaution and to prevent 4 Door Lock To Locking Leyer Rod entry of water at hinge attaching locations apply 5 Door Remote Control Connecting Rod a coat of heavy bodied sealer to attaching surfaces o Door Ventilator Division Channel of hinges See Fig 4D3G 7 Door Remote Control Assembly 8 Door Window Lower Stop 3 With aid of helper lift door into position 9 Door Window Regulator Assembly Attach hinge loosely and align straps within marks 10 Door Inside Locking Rod on pillar then tighten screws and check door for ll Door Window Lower Sosh Chonnel Cum alignment