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Body Service Manual August 1964
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REAR QUARTER 4E 1 REAR QUARTER TRIM AND HARDWARE 11 AND 37 STYLES the deflector is placed against iI1 1 lIl91 The deflector fits into u retaining s10t ui bcttmm QI Figure 4E is a phantom vmw 0f 11 styles and inmzr panel and deilecrs water fc bottom and wut Figure 4E2 is L lph1iIltO1 il viewof 37 styles Both bottom drain hcles The deflectur is further so i11LlS 1 El TiO1 1 i identify major components Of the 1 11 cured by il string locxded sealing material 410112 qum ie1 lmrdwn1 e and their relzxtimmlxip 0 each both from and rear edges andbyme 1pp1ic tiua1 f Oth r When removing 01 installing amy 0f these wzterprocf sealing tape nxt front and 1 e u 1 Jw components refer t0 these illustxuxtions and others corners When work is I fU1 ITAE C hE X E the pkxper 1 fE 1 1 9dfui111 hE respective procedures water dsflactor has been disturbed the ds f1e ct r must be properly sealed and taped tu thp inner NOTE USP Giillfivll Wh 1 W01 ki Q 011 OY 31 ih panel t0 prevent w 1ts 1 1ez1ks It is j111pO1 Y TZ that 1 GHP qUL1Tt l window All side imdbick i1 ld0 S 111 personnel JE 1 fiJl H1D gf sarvicne uperutxms are nre nmde of solid tempered safety plate glass aware 0f the importance ofusing the specified mu Mid will 5h U 1 if hiDD d OF UEEPIY S F t h d terinl and I ECU H H IldE l 1 E l 1UVL11 installation uml replacement procedures I additional se L1i11gm 1 terial is required body czmikmg cnnupuuuxd i REAR QUARTER TRIM ASSEMBLY recommended f01 service scaling ll AND 37 STYLES j f When access tu the inner p mrel is r0quir rl thc V Rem v l nd lns l i n deflecmr may be completely mr partially cle f ciu d frum the inner panel If the e xis 1ug water dmlecmr wh L Remmve rear sent cushion zmd sent back as is r 1xz1 1ged so that it wxll not pr 1pe l smlijhc semblies as described in the Seat section of the rear quarter replacement uf r f1ect01 is requi sLL Body Service M 1nuzs1s4 The f011 i1wi11g pr0ce du1 s cuve rs complete rv 2 Remmve wmdmw re u1 1t r handle amd applied mcw 11 and installation uf the water eileflectw Ii arm rest where present as described in thv 0nly partial removal mf the def1eci u is 1 equix 1 D i 1 section M the Body Service Mamuaxl perform only those steps which are uscessuvrv tu expose the required aren of the 1 s u I Ll 1 T 1 inner DiS 1 1 QIlg pinchweld finishing strip from panel pinchweld fkmgv along forward edge uf trim assembly Removal 4 Czu iL11 5 break cement bond between over 1 Remove rear quzxrter trim xss 1nh1y n1xci 1p w 2r lappmg ummm edge of trim assembly und outboard trim assembly retainer surface mfpi c11w421d flange Fig 4E3 24 Remove strips of wute1 p1 u f t dy mpe sweux Bend 01 b0w trim assembly mbourd 0 dis ing lower corners 0f water ls2f1 ct r engage it from trim assembly upper finishing molding Lift trim assembly upward to disengage 3 With n putty knifcgor other suitable flatiblmied it from lower molding and remove assembly from t001 carefully break c m 211f bmw securing upper bady cmrners 0f water ds f1act 1 to inner panel Make suree string located within SEQIIEI ms against w 1h r G To install x v91 S 1 l11OV1 l p1 0G d 11 P1 i01 deflectur and carefully slide putt knife between to installation mf pinchweld finishing strip re Sealey and mum panel Along b h gjdgg 5 HS c n19nl ffn 111 d Ov91 l3pping 9dg Of t1 i1 assembly g ag c sides Of water d f1e ct01 frf m r exr quuzter to piuchweld flange outboard surface inner pane14 4 Disengage lower edge ryfw ats r l iE f tCtO fl 1IZ l REAR QUARTER INNER PANEL retaining slot in quartesr inner pqmel and 1 e 111mr WATER DEFLECTOR water deflector See Fig 4E4 STYLES Insr II i n A vaaterpx 0 paper dcaflector is used to seal the rear quarter inner panel and prevent entry of wafer 1 Inspect water def1 ct 1 and where necessary mm body The polyethylene shiny or black side of repair any te u s nr holes with wumrpmof body mpc