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Body Service Manual August 1964
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REAR END 4F 3 2 Check back window b0dy Opening and pinch 7 With aid Of a helper position bark winduw and weld flange for any irregularities and ez rre t rubber channel assembly inte back wind w openins where necessary Make ertain that reveal mtvldines are properly OSI SWS C S tSm SS SS Z 1Z YLZY uZZ te E tt 1 Y h T iZ L C7Fii lZ Z YE Check retaining clips and replace daniaged or de Swhls feetive Clips Prior t0 installing Clips apply a Umtimmus rH h OF nwtiliulnimidied Seialgr AP B On styles with clip retained reveal nwldings Huck Mmm pmchwem wd TE apply sufficient lH CllLll l l 1dl Cl sealer to fill void between rubber channel and bndy epening up sides 4 Insert a strnnu cord inte pinehweld eavity of and aeress top nf window rubber channel Overlap ends of cord at bottom md MDE 1 S E Ulds U mbldg bm 9 While helper is applying hand pressure tw outside surface of glass Carefully pull ends of 5 Apply 1 ribbon 0f mediuin bodied sealer ap Cord across bottom up sides and aerrvss top to preximatelv 1 4 in diameter te rabbet Of pinch seat lip of rubber channel over pinehweld and re weld flange ew nmpletely around back window Opening taining flange rzoinpletely around back window L 1 Fig 4F3 G Apply a second ribbon ef inedium b 1died 10 Using 3 pressure type applicator apply black sealer approximately l 4 in diameter to base nf weatherstrip adhesive between lip of rubber Channel rubber channel avress top and down sides 2 and glass an both sides of glass completely around 4F3 periphery ef window V3 Fig 4F3l