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Body Service Manual August 1964 |

REAR END 4F 7 l Pi 1e Ll 11111 11 zimount oi 1111 de1i11 g clay 01 body uauiking rronipctind on frame of inek at both 1T sidrs of ioek bolt rrrrrrr i T rfrrrr T rrrrr A 4 r V s 2 Lower 1 a1 compartment iid just i IIOU 1h to 1 make an i1np1 essi0n 111 the modeling riay i V Q Yw rx V V 1 1 3 The Striker 1n1p1 ess1011s 111 the clay should T be even on both sides of the lock frame Where LV TT 1 1qui1 ed loosen striker or lock attaching screws j Q T S T i g ifC L and adjust striksir or lock to uhtain proper e11 e i1Qe1ne11t then tighten s1irews BUTT JOINT V E T REAR c0MPARTM1 NT WEATHERSTRIP W HERSWP Thv rear rzr1mpa1 t111e11t weatherstrip is 11 spo11e e R GUTTER section that is jL llE l1TE Cl into the 1 1Jar 1 0111partme11t T opening and joined at the lower e11te1 area by 1 ce1nr z1t d butt joint SECTION A A 1142 Removal Fig 4F9 Re r Cempmemem We rhemn 1p 1 Separate butt ends of weatht 1 1trip at rear is b Y and lwd m I ISUHQ Of Y9 u VOmP U t of nn1partn1e11t opening mpm hd Using q mlm h1 de 1 tonl l i11 F fUuY diS 1 1131 ve 1tl1e1 st1 ip from its cemented foundation in gutter 1 L Oi NM muwmumnt and Apply brusit 11 COlltil l1ULlS mat nf weather 1 strip cement I i U 1 Pl1f type to SL1l fH i of V BU 1 St1 i that contanzt roa1 o111pa1 t111e11tgutter T T TT T and allow cement to dry See Fieg 4F9 FIS G DOH 3 A11i1 b 1 1 mt i 1t fwe the NOTE If weatherstrip has been dtunaged during qtrip In 9uf LTIEETLT mU u 1 9 1 CT Tn p YBIUOVHX wars CutS Etc msmu new W m11 111ent eiutter that are contacted bv WP til 1 Stl i J strip Foam const1 u1 tio11 0f weatherstrip will Hymlu mO1SmYn up Om r Surmc O1 W9at1w1 5tmp 4 Using a flat bladed tnni insert wez1tl1e1 st1 ip LOCK BO TS into gutter starting with nne end of weatherstrip r L at rear corner of gutter dl1Cl JO1 1 ill eo1np1 te1y around g 11tt 1 1 en 1 i A T j1J TA O T T QT TT 1 Lk 1 1 E1 I F D J 1 M5 r QUARTER PANEV T 11 www Whit 1 1 1 7 SCREW 1 Q 11 1 eee TLT T TT u T s TT g Tfi vQq W TVQTN T1 T TTLT TTQT L TR KER sous 1 1g fTT 1 1 1r 1 1 T VIEW A WEDGE PLATE i s cT10r 1 BYB t 1090 9 Fig 4F8 Rear Compmrmenr Lid Lock md Strike Fig 4F10 Re r Compartment Lid Wedge Plmes