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Selling Season 1932 onliecierate Plia t0n h 6 3 Q x3 26 3 18x5 25 109 2495 2585 5 495 00 1032 onier erate Lan an aeton ...
109 2700 279 0 5 625 00 1932 oniederate Roadster 6 Ii xii V 20 3 181 5 25 109 2410 2500 2 445 00 1032 Confederate Sport Rozadstcr 6 Iiinizxli ...
109 2480 2570 4 485 00 1032 Coniederate Standard Sedlzm 6 3 qgx3 20 3 181 5 25 100 2750 28440 5 590 00 1032 gon fe erate Epecigl Sedan gi 3 1gx 3gQO
Trucks for the l93l Selling Season 1931 Independence Phaeton G Bliqsxii 26 3 4 75x19 109 2370 2460 5 510 OO 1931 Independence Landau Phtn 6 3 xlS M 26 3 4 75xl9 109 ...
Independence Roadster 6 3 x3 26 3 4 75 19 109 2295 2385 2 475 00 1931 Independence Spt R0z dst er 6 3 jGx3 26 3 4175XlQ 109 ...
Independence Cabriolet li 35 13 7 26 3 4 751419 109 2520 2610 4 615 00 1931 Independence Std Sedan 6 Pliggxii M 26 3 4 751 19 109 2685 2775 5 635 00 ngepengencc
Body Style W B Cup Style Job No Body Style W B Cap 4 1OO Pickup Box 109 AE T Dbl 430 Platform 131 TA TB 1 T Db 110 Panel ...
ross 113 IC Com j 303 DeLuxe Panel 109 BB T Sql 653 Cancgy Exgrsss 133 VA VB Hvy uDuty i 311 Panel l3l NA NB 1 T Sql 883 Platform ...
Panel l3l OA OB 1 T 91 937 Canopy Express 113 KC gzzmguty 1 892 Canopy Express 109 CB T Sql 653 Canopy Express 133 WA Hvy Duty Sql l 894 Canopy Express
1o1o 1 111 1940 41 K11 K8 KH AG AH 1 4 109 GASKET Transmission case cover 3 speed 4 306 LEVER Shifter yoke ...
SHAFT Gem shi 3 speed Ill P 86 95 4 109 GASKET Transmission case cover 4 speed 590586 65 ShI 15 6 reverse shifteriul S M h 1 HCIO
109 10 475220 4 829 10 I 475564 OQQQ 65 1 4752 47 1 2511 401l0 476179 4 309 90 475221 7 103 1 45 475555 g 1343 i 15 59 475048 1 284 4U1l
109 5 05 I 475575 5217 5 211 473898 8 318 2 75 474839 16 115 40 I 472946 4 300 1 85 I 475574 5 246 g51 473904 11 1 40 Removed
PUSH ROD Main cylinder HL p 109 53008661 3 00 Cyl cssy rear wheel
jobs KD KE KF W AL AM AN Y 1 109
ight l r l1vx ry and 5 l on ommercial series W HF LI BAbE 109 include front and lieztr liumgners spare wheel incl tire V e1 liLs for 1 1 ou liztemisn
Double Unit 1 17 185 Load compartment parts as follows Bodies Bodies 1 Top 17 060 17 109 1 Platform and Sills 17 000 17 059 17 400 17 454 Body From
send duplicate XLGSU Advise XLGT0 108 Mailing order today XLGSC 197 Rush invoices air mail l XLGTU 109 Refer to your wire of XLGST 198 Rush invoices air mail to arrive this oiiice latest
superseding part number XLMS getfer order XLGSG 121 Y i v i e W I 4XL Mg 109 Rgfg tg 520 Shar ziljdbg l V the same description of parts as shown on 103 Refertoourletter
Front seul ueey l4 798 16 670 Fuses 8 965 G Sk Tr S wss v 4 109 Front seat adjuster anchor plate 11 565 G Gasket Trans main drive gear brq Front seat adjuster
109 NUT Steering urrn bull 6 022 1w r seemng imucme spindle 291672 10 Tie md s 5161 1939 41 hvy duty on WB WC YR YS YT WB WC YR 352917 10 1929 39CA
PJAKN I Jn Ill p 250 4083310 8 00 1938 Jobs 3810 1 09 381 201 109 4062503 7 50 1935 36 Jobs 351009 O1 11 19 4091957 8 00 1939 Jobs
1S22 5 1 00 11 1 1 90 109 1041 1 019 90 4091434 22150 1939 1 Jobs
ggggggg gg 1 3g9 21 3 2 1 1 109 15 j 21 12123 151 4 1 1 t 1 1555 4 1 1z 4111119 1 91i5721I
109 30 1937 GB 1 E 1 5974341 30 1938 41 HA HB IA IB KA KB if j jj U KH A Y exc COE 1 I rs 3651235 3 4139 Grmt str pedal
screw NO 10 82 X 1 NOTE H 11 m 110111 01 mm 109 114614 8 932 L ckw sher No 10 counfersunk 1 1 4058984 95 8881 11881 1935 Jobs
jiqf AH 6 NOTE Miist use 9 Oii 109 clutch pilot bearing when installing
cover spacer 0 451 Vt aslrer Fold top balancing spring 14 142 Water pump rotor 1 109 XXXII1
Over deer i i i 60 Tie rod Front axle 6 230 Trans case cover gasket 4 109 Trim 5Y Over lii ri9r Wmdow 15 1 90 Tie rea aaa cover 6 111 rrarle clutch
GEAR 4 415 J 4 417 151 mp A REVERSE GEAR OVER GASKET 4 109 I f I I RRG RETAINER GASKET 4 258 A 4 309 BE RING
Ugmup I 1107033 2 1141 20 00 12515341 3 109 1 50 y 1557748 2 270 10 55 I 1054422 7345 1110008 2 361 Exeh 5 25 1 515345 3 1015 1 501I
109 0 05 593029 3 150 15 I 17 1 592704 4 421 6 851l 599411 0 100 0 00 500004 3 1561 05 092238 16 536 1i751 592715 16 578 351 5 113453 g
25jI 496359 7 679 35 475260 109