compression is indicated in Number 1 cylinder Continue cranking until crankshaft pulley timing notch lines up with 11011 timing mark on engine rear housing or b Remove right bank rocker cover and crank engine until
valves I 11 Discharge valve plate front and rear 12 Seal kit service contains all seals and 11011 rings To be used each time a compressor is rebuilt 13 Shaft seal kit i 14 Nuts
specifications tube blower 5 Install blower and blower pulley and torque to specifications using a new 11011 ring Install upper shroud as previously outlined OIL FILTER AND DELCOTRON ADAPTER Removal blower s 2 Disconnect
When replacing the O ring first dip it in refrigeration oil Always use a backing wrench on 11011 ring fittings to prevent the hose from twisting and damaging the O ring Do not overtighten Correct