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lfor Front Fender Nlouldingss which include Series Designations 42 48 FLEETLINE left upper 3664337 1 2 20 121 42 48 FLEETLINE right upper 3664338 1 2 20 121 42 48 FLEETZLINE left center ...
121 42 48 FLEETLINE right center 3664336 1 2 20 121 42 48 FLEETLINE left lower 3664319 1 2 20 121 42 48 FLEETLINE right lower 3664320 1 2 20 121 42 48 FLEETLINE left ...
side 3676199 2 3 75 206 47 55 PANEL lst Ser left upper 3676203 1 2 20 121 47 55 PANEL lst Ser right upper 3676204 1 2 20 121 47 55 PANEL
BISCAYNE BEL AIR NOMAD 4 DR comb 814 819 4274761 1 121 50 7290 58 BISCAYNE BEL AIR NOMAD 4 DR comb 835 838 4274763 1 121 50 7290 58 BISCAYNE BEL AIR NOMAD ...
comb 846 849 4274764 1 121 50 7290 58 BISCAYNE BROOKWOOD 4 DR comb 803 804 4274395 1 111 75 6705 58 BISCAYNE BROOKWOOD 4 DR comb ...
BROOKWOOD BEL AIR 4 DR comb 821 832 4285577 1 121 50 7290 58 BEL AIR 2 DR comb 805 4274620 1 131 50 7890 58 BEL AIR 2 DR comb
group 3 72l4 239 48 D D COE lor BB1 517 5 BB1 699 S Carter 121 13 603889 1 17 10 50 58 D D 6 cyl exc 2 TON 50 53 COE body ...
Carter 1211 168 3695007 1 17 10 53 55 CORV 6 cyl Carter 121 209 3708225 3 17 10 54 55 COE body Carter 1211 245 3710363 1 17 10 55 58 PASS CORV ...
dual 4BC exc 348 body Carter 121 1267 3721036 A R 25 15 56 58 PASS w Roch 4BC exc 348 57 58 Ser 6 w 4BC body r 7009761 1 32 18 58 PASS
PASS CORV w 4BC Carter 121 1265 3721037 1 60 36 56 57 PASS CORV w 4BC 56 58 PASS CORV w dual 4BC Carter 121 281 3732785 1 60 36 58 PASS CORV ...
Carter 4BC Carter 121 311 3751527 1 65 39 58 PAS5 w H L Cam 348 exc 3 ZEBC Carter 121 292 w 3760264 37645 93 1179331 1 65 39 3 732 COVER GASKET SCREW ...
PASS CORV w 4BC dual 4BC GASKET Carter 121 208 1346579 A R 25 15 55 58 PASS CORV w 4BC dual 4BC SCREW w washer Carter
PANEL 9259 1 2 20 121 54 55 PANEL lst Ser left center 1 368 47 51 PANEL 1 2 O 121 54 55 PANEL lst Ser right center 1 3689260 4 47 51 PANEL ...
PANEL lst Ser left lower l 3689261 1 2 20 121 4751 PANEL ri ht lower 3689262 1 2 20 121 54 55 PANEL lst Ser g 9 1 42 48 FLEE I L1NE FASTENER
left 3703177 1 19 75 1 185 121 941 PANEL EXTENSION REIlNI 0RCE1VIEN T GR01MltfI1E T P LlJG I ILL R COVER Rum Qurutxter Side Inner 49 52 1011 1211 right ...
left 4644559 1 19 40 1164 55 1011 211 exc 121 IB right w wl1eelhc us a 4649906 1 48 70 2922 55 1011 11211 exc 121 IB left w wheellmuse ...
1211B left w wheelhouse 4671244 1 48 70 2922 56 121 IB right w w11eelh us a 4671245 1 48 70 2922 56 1211151 left w wheelhouse 4671246 1 48 70 2922 56 SEDANS
PASS CORV w 4BC dual 4BC GASKET choke hsgv use w 3732780 horn Carter 121 243 565215 1 10 6 55 56 PASS CORV w 4BC GASKET choke houszirug use w 3739893 56 57 PASS ...
horns 1175241 1 09 5 55 58 PASS CORV w 4BC dual 4BC GASKET coil hsg Clcurher 121 78 7000610 1 10 6 55 58 PASS 8 cyl exc Carter 4BC GASKET choke ...
Carter 4BC GASKET choke hs 57 58 PASS CORV w dual 4BC used w 3744004 Carter 121 298 3742916 1 10 6 58 PASS w Carter 4BC 348 GASKET delaynar plate
passage plug Carter 136 27 A 837336 1 3 834 53 55 CORV 6 cyl GASKET Carter 121 246 3708226 3 17 10 55 58 PASS CORV w 4BC dual 4BC GASKET Carter 121 ...
PASS w H L Cam 348 exc 3 21BC GASKET jet housing Carter 121 287 w 3760264 3764593 7011195 1 O9 5 55 58 PASS CORV w 4BC dual 4BC SCREW Carter
116B Motor heater 8 855 Moulding Qtr window division 11 008 Lower end gate belt mldg 12 121 Motor Quarter window 11 041 Moulding Qtr window garnish 11 119 Lower end gate finishing cover ...
Main cyl piston cup 4 654 Moulding Back window division 11 216 Moulding Rear end belt 12 121 Main cyl piston stop plate Moulding Back wind Moulding Rear fender 8 204 12 116 lock ring ...
Moulding Rear side body pillar 17 160 Manifold clamp 3 273 Moulding Body rear panel 12 121 Moulding Rear wheel cover 8 176 Manifold Engine intake 3 265 Moulding Body side assy 17 507 Moulding
equipment HUB BOLT CHART Part N0 A B C D E F 3 670 1 7 1 121 ...
121 V 18 3705785 ZEI 9 1 4 11 51 18 221 3723955 1121 M g 1 15 16 2 3723956 1 Z K 1 ai 16 2 37239167 IZEI ...
szssszasse 2 Sm 34 121 ak 18 2 I REVISED MARCH
1037D 1037 1037 1037 1 191 1207 1067 1067 1037D 10671 1037D 1037D 1037D 1221 121 1 1207 121 1 1067 1121 11 W 1063F 1063F 10613 1241 1227 121 1 1227 1067D 1i211W13 1064DF
1011D left comb 669 4260506 1 77 90 4674 57 121 1 tright comb 650 4261618 1 68 25 4095 57 121 1 eft comb 650 4261619 68 25 4095 57 1211 lqht com1 ...
121 1 eft comb 715 4271889 1 68 25 4095 57 1019 39 exc 7113 comb 654 4260163 1 17 10 5862 57 1019 39 exc 191 comb
FILLER right quarter window lower corner front 4645962 1 30 18 55 57 1011 631 1211 exc 121 1B FILLER left quarter window lower corner front 4645963 1 30 18 55 57 121 1B FILLER
PANEL 54 55 PANEL lst Ser left upper 3689257 1 2 20 121 47 51 PANEL 54 55 PANEL lst Ser right upper 3689258 1 2 20 121 8 176 8 2U4 748 REVISED NOVEMBER
Switch Oil pressure 1 800 Tee Power brake 3 278 Torus assy Trans fluid coupling 4 121 Switch parts Starting motor 2 l00 2 102 Tee Vac brake check valve 4 931 I Track assembly ...
Tank assy Radiator 1 219 I flywheel bolt 4 115 Trans fluid coupling check valve 4 121 REVISED JANUARY
upper M x 1 4595379 1 10 096 55 57 1011 19 56 57 121 1 19 upper 4647354 2 1 25 75 55 57 101 1 19 37 37D 56 57 121
MOULDING RETAIZINEZR 41 Ser 1000 right or left wide x 31 lg stmpd H77058 4116276 2 12 121 41 46 P ASS exc STA WAG right lower 1 wide x 59 long ...
long 4162571 2 70 42 48 CONV E wide x 34 long 4162573 2 12 121 49 52 1007 1207 right und left 1 wfcle x 32 fi long
outer 1 762 I Bracken parking brake release md 4 594 Brace Rear body panel 12 121 Bracket Defroster air duct mtg 9 779 I Bracket pqrkmg lump housing Brace Rear compartment floor ...
panel J 12 934 Bracket Evcxporator air outlet 9 264 Bracket Rear panel mldg 12 121 Brace mlculim hfike Yh d61 4 8g l Bracket Exhaust pipe 3 616 Bracket Rear spring 7 535 race
COMM iront 53 58 M TON exc 1956 D D w duuls recxr 54556611 2 2 20 121 51 58 PASS CORV TON reor 53 UTILITY front 54556601 2 2 20 121 51 58 UTILITY
Removed 11 1 57 3751525 Removed 3 1 58 1 3760831 Use 3764414 121 1 58 1 3811308 Removed 3 1 57 3751551 Use 3753785 8 1 58 1 3761672 Removed 121
tinted 4615797 1 71 95 4317 53 55 CORVETTE 4632595 1 121 55 7293 55 56 PASS exc SPT MDLS 4642678 1 69 00 4140 55 56 SPT MDLS ...
MDLS tinted 4645847 1 79 30 4758 56 58 CORVETTE 3716239 1 121 55 7293 57 PASS exc SPT MDLS 4687528 1 72 00 4320 57 PASS exc SPT MDLS tinted
lock 355936 1 05 10 25 47 55 COMM UTIL lst Ser exc D D COE SPRING 121 I D x 121 long 48 55 D D lst Ser used with rear lever shaft
deodener felt and drip mldg 4598620 1 81 60 4896 53 121 1 w deadener felt and drip mldg 4598130 1 77 00 4620 53 1027 1227 27B w deadener felt and drip mldg
LOCK za 1 1 12184 1 V 2 iE 1 T 1Xf BOX 1 E 1 A 121 84 1 1 1 COVER 1 12 204 1 1 E E TE TT 2 PLA LOCK
outer pnl lwr mltlq 4718167 1 10 6 56 Ser 1000 CLIP fender lower rrlldq center 56 121 1 63F 71 4 quarter lower mldq reor
121 1 69 69W No 5 4606648 1 60 36 1058 REVISED NOVEMBER 1 I958
insert 4728006 2 2 35 141 58 NOMAD insert 4 v4 4728008 2 2 15 121 49 50 Ser 1000 r MOULDING UNIT frt dr lwr outer panel Z4 wide
chrome 53 55 1011 19 27 69 121 1 27 27B 69 back window 53 55 4 DR SDL rear and back door 148095 A R 8 977 I REVISED JANUARY
left stationary 4660810 1 30 45 1827 53 101 1 121 1 54 1011 1211W tinted 4612515 2 13 65 819 53 54 SPT CPE tinted 4612517 2 9 85 591 53 54 1062F 1262F
PASS sliding window div outer 4726455 2 3 10 186 55 57 1063F 1263F MOULDING outer 121 long 4656557 2 85 51 55 57 106317 1263F MOULDING inner
outer edges of com supports 4598861 1 1 60 96 53 54 1011 1211 left 271 OAL 121 Q between outer edges of com supports 4598862 1 1 60 96 53 54 CONV right front
center of roller 1 rn 1 wide 53 57 SPT MDLS outer 55 56 101 1 121 I quarter window cm ti rattle
side 58 1 YAG front door lock pillar upper 4574349 2 20 12 55 57 1019 62 121 9 front door on center pillar lower
PASS exc STA WAG left or right door s xf r e y1 oc1 k 121 universal 46 48 PASS length 605325 2 45 40 PASS lst type frt and rr dr w spade shape
CORVETTE 3747942 1 3 40 204 57 SPT SED BRACE ASSY support 4711 121 1 1 00 60 10 195 MIRROR Vurnity Visor 50 52 CONV BEL AIR 53 CONV SPT CPE 54 58 PASS
ij1Q A I S 1 S 1 1 A1A A 1 1 fi 11 1 121
moulded on 4585281 1 9 55 573 49 52 121 1 27 27B 69 moulded in one piece pt no moulded on 4587341 1 9 55 573 49 52 CONV BEL AIR 3 holes
MODELS Continued CODE MODELS 1949 1950 51 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 DELRAY 1 121 1 141 1 149 1 171 1221 1241 1249 1271 YEOMAN 1 191 1 193 1291 1293 BIISCAYNE
rubber 3719578 2 10 6 55 57 COMM UTIL 2nd Ser front rnfct lwr extension 1 x 121 x sponge rubber 3718781 2 15 9 55 58 COMM UTIL 2nd Ser to cowl sponge rubber
COMM exc D D 53 55 TON Ist Ser 1 x 121 x 129 3653084 2 65 39 46 51 DS D D UTIL
121 15 Sr S i I i i I S J II I SS I E T IIE I 2 S I I II S Il I I AT E I I I III ISIS
serrated washer 16 x 1 3754241 2 10 6 58 PASS exc IMIPALA SCREW ASSY special 11 121 mach w serrated washer 16 x 1 3748362 2 10 6 NOTE Use w 3682372 Rmainmr
length 3749053 1 05 3 57 58 PASS w I G SPRING thermostat relief 10 arrtive coilge 121 lt free height 3744607 1 15 9 57 523 PASS w 1 G i SPRING UNIT valve
UNIT inner lever 1 pin 1 x E Q 2 seals and 2 washers 8615193 1 35 121 4 290 BRACKET ASSY PISTON SPRING PIN RETAINER Transmission Parking Brake
CORV w 3 SPD exc hvy duty RING brg locating 21 1 121 x 25 O D x 590849 1 20 12 54 58 COMM w 3 SPD hvy duty 57 58 PASS CORV
RACE stator 27 sp1i ne s 1 x 2 3702102 1 3 15 189 4 121 TORUS ASSY V AL E S1 EtIN G Transmission 1F1uid Coupling 54 58 ALL w H T front driven
drum 3694668 A R 121 00 6325 NOTE Also used with Power Steering 4 103 CASE Transmission 31 47 COMM UTIL w 4 SPD exc LT w drain and filler plugs cast
PASS A T w 2BC throttle volve cross slicrlt 1 121 g dev lgth 3736952 1 40 24 57 PASS A T w 14 BC throttle valve across sholt l21 6 dev lgth
PASS 3723137 1 3 70 222 57 PASS exc STA WAG SDL upper 121 long 3735507 1 3 05 183 57 PASS exc STA WAG SDL lower 16 long
UNIT w dual lamp 6 volt 49 52 STA WAG w dual lamp sponge rubber 121 C D 921874 2 20 12 41 48 PASS exc SDL STA WAG sponge rubber
Clam 131 21 1 131 curved 3750551 1 2 15 129 58 CORV 2nd design 121 2 1 curved 3755556 1 95 57 TNOTE Used us gen rear bruce 2 319 BREAKER Generator mzurrent regulator
PASS w o gov exc DC EC F 1NSULATOFl 3 thiczk 121 5 ctr to ctr bolt 41 53 ALL w 216 hotles 3692797 1 60 36 REVISED MA1 c11 1 1959 342A
length 3702182 1 50 30 53 ALL exc P G pump suction O D x 121 dev length 3835854 1 70 42 55 58 PASS 6 cyl 55 58 COMM UTIL
121 1 u QIJXJQ 1 A 4A i 4 1 V 0 831 77 1 4 1120 SR 1 Q i 1 1 2 BUSt
design 55 58 COMM UTIL 8 cyl 2nd design 56 57 PASS w 4BC dum 4 EC 121 35 58 ALL 263 2nd design 58 PASS 348 ball bearing type 19 long
SPRING sent cldja x 1e21 rert 1 r 121 tree length 3698449 2 40 24 S1 55 UA1 w il x S1 R1NG rrzt1xl gy Excite tmcl jccl but 51 tree lengtlll
lever adj Carter 101 121 fill sltd hd 50 58 D D 6 cyl exc 2 TON N0 10 26 x 13 jh 839062 1 08 2 10 32 58 ALL w Roch Carb
Leather Conv 149 Tan Imitation Leather Sta ag 229 Black Leather Conv 150 Gray Striped Pile Fabric 121 l 19 27 27B 234 Tan Leather Brown Cloth Bel Air 151 Tan Striped Pile Fabric
board 3 469 Gearshift control shaft hsg plug 4 0222 Generator bracket and bushing 121 277 Grommet Cowl ventilator 16 125 Gearshift control shaft lever assy 4 016 Generator brush I 2 285 Grommet Cowl
1Zif r1 Z L1 1 1 ZZllZ i i 1 1 11 Sflefd R 3 4 121 6D Seat bottom frame trim 14 860 Shaft Frt trans planet i 1 h 4 161 Shlelgl Valve
121 120391 6 120217 6 3686667 3759401 02 1951 Del L8rR
front planet carrier and drive gear and front pump bronze EQ x 1 x 121 8609511 A R 1 10 66 54 58 ALL w H T frt drive gear frt steel
PASS CORV w P G SEAL O ring 121 0 x 1 37136221 1 95 57 50 52 PASS w P G SEAL turbine bolt O ring
ulggb Plgfgn rm 7 003 FRAME ASSEMBLY 47 53 L Q TON 4 3100 4 3694656 1 121
required in this group See gr rmpsr 121 1 4 12 116 4563822 05 10 30 11 031 MOULDING S l RIP Quurier Window Reveal 49 52 1011 right
1062F 12621 stationary 88 dev length 4603465 2 4 25 255 55 57 121 1B stationary 8314 dev length 4647564 2 3 25 195 55 57 SEDANS 4 DR exc SPT SED right stationary
tray escutcheon 12 048 Accelerator rod toe board grommet 3 469 1 Ammeter insulator 121 521 Ash tray handle 16 120 Accelerator rod toe board seal 3 469 Anchor assy Door window
CONV 4 righl 11 1ssn reg cmd 11 121 1 4606165 1 52 25 3135 IE 54 SPT CPE CONV 11211 1ess req cmd T 1 S11S1 4606166 1 52 25 3135 5355 YTOHV
PASS 283 HOSE 1f 3 1 D Il 3742376 1 2 20 121 58 PASS 348 HOSE
PASS w 3 SPD hvy duty lst design close ratio 2nd gear 3729707 1 121 00 8470 56 57 PASS w 3 SPD close ratio 2nd design 3736755 1 135 00 9450 55 57 PASS
with instrument panel body hinge pillar side vents toepo1r1 el upper and side rails 3696815 1 121 65 7905 54 55 ALL lst Ser exc COE FFC with instrument poinel body hinge pillar side vents
brake pedal cutout 2 deep 3657109 1 35 21 41 46 ALL exc COE lower toe pan 121 x 71 long 3657133 1 30 18 47 58 TON PICK UP SGL UNIT 2nd design
Typical 120 19125 110111 1 1 Carburetor 3119 1953 58 Six Cylinder Engine Head Cmd Manifolds Typical 121 1955 Carburetor Horn Exploded r 350 1 1 1955 Carburetor Throttle Body Exploded
dist cant gev exc 4BC 7009951 1 2 20 121 57 PASS CORE ev 48C Carter
Stake H Sm 3A 2nd Ser 55 58 F Ser BC w clamp 811Q 121 1 37205153 1 1 05 55 58 1 TON 2nd Ser exc PANEL ST A KlE w clamp 101iE
121 MOULDING RETAI1 IER BOLT Rear End Belt 42 47 1027 27B 67 4125284 1 1 50 90 53 54 STA WAG tail gate belt 50 long
rstrip l i El Niztu N Name H 77058 4116276 12 121 Retainer
PASS CORV w F 1 adapter to inje tc r SEQ 416 24 x 121 3745404 8 10 5 57 58 PASS CORV w F I tlange 7014321 A R 15 9 58 PASS
Front seat adj lock 11 589 Running board mat 8 316 Screw Corv body rear panel 12 121 Rod Front top panel reinforcement Running board mat frame supt Screw Differential carrier cap 5 506 brcrze
lower 10 759 Rataiaai Vaa Retainer Gearshitt seal 4 015 Retainer Rear end belt mldq 12 121 t power brake cyl 4 911 4 924 Retainer G IS1 111t shifting 3110ft 4 311 Retainer Rear
smissi 1 t h i l 4 164 1 Rail Transmission and retainer 12 121 H Tr SmiSSi v i 4115 1 Oveninve shifting 4 490 Rear end stake ininn
axle ratio 57 58 COHV w 3 70 cr 4 11 axle ratif exc AIT 8 teeth 121 5 O D x 11 Q thicla 3708144 1 1 25 75 55 58 PASS
bolts nre 280 Ml Steel unless c ths rw1se specified 11511 i X 1 141 123 121
SPRING UQ 1 0 1 121 1 Q O D x 020 thick 58 DELRAY YEOMAN 040 cone 1 eigh t 760299 1 30 18 55 57 B C SPRING
Group 12 121 REAR END BELT M1OUll
Link Tail lamp 2 664 Leaf Rear spring 7 505 L Lever Starting motor drive 121 108 Link Trans reverse brake band 4 246 Leak detector Freon refrigerant 9 282 Lever Strg col gearsliift operating
121 4574232 4579792 93 1949 52 Conv
partial upper 53 1067D doors and qtrs upr and lwr 54 1011WA cloor inserts side wings 54 121 1 69W trt and rr cushion tacings trt seat finish panel upr and lwr 54 CONV
Door Arm Rests G Folding top compcrtment not shown on illus El Quarter Arm Hest Top 121
PASS rubber gruy unlverscll ltype 3708708 1 10 35 569 153 121 1 27 54 121lW rubber 4618834 1 13 25 795 53 54 106211 rubber 4624573 1 18 20 1 092 53 10621 rubber
1211B 56 57 1011 19 39 39D 1211 19 exc 121 18 front 4653758 1 2 05 123 55 57 1037 front 4653759 1 2 05 123 58 DELRAY BISCAYNE
1011WD lst type left comb 331 4208537 1 19 00 1140 54 121 1W right comb 300 4201095 1 14 25 855 54 1211W left comb
1011W A comb 306 man on elect seat 4 4209450 1 97 75 5865 54 121 comb 300 manual seat 4201111 1 76 25 4575 54 1269W comb 300 manual seat
PANEL BRACE Raaeunr llicuil Buck Compartment Shell less trim 53 54 1011 69 121
Filler Panels 4644703 4 and 4647243 4 required when installing on Model 121 1B NOTE 1957 58 Quarter Panel Assemblies are not available Component parts must be ordered PANEL STII FENER Rear Quarter Side Outer