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special 9 44 ratio installation using rear bearing 379515 and lock ring 379516 For replacement rear bearing 125630 ring 377722 and Speedo gear set 602519 shou ld be used TNOTE On early design jobs this
PASS COMM exc EC FC 46 54 PASS TON 53 55 CORV Hyatt OR 1506 125630 1 8 30 40 57 UTILITY prod Hyatt
stamped on ring gear and pinion respectively 35 36 EA EB ED FA FB FD use w 125630 rear pinion brg 37 39 COMM
cannot be used with any other bearings PINION SHAFT REAR Group 5 484 7104554 PASS 14001177 125630 1151154 Hy 011 1505 1 051045 55 UT1L1H
Perch OR 1 504 110320 5 484 Bearing T 3725650 5 432 Hanger OR1506 125630 5 484 Bearing U 3711075 4 016 Lever Trans OR1512 178298 5 855 Bearing X1 54 5941671 2 689 Lens