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Wheel Type of Vehicle Desig Series Wheel Type of Vehicle notion bose notion bose wss 4A 4100 130 Utility 1 Ton Truck 6C 6500 172 Utility 2 Ton Truck 4B 4400 154 Utility ...
Truck Low Cab Forward SB or 5C models in this catalog only 6A 6100 130 Ut1lity 2 Ton Truck NOTE 1955 2nd Series 6000 Trucks are designated as 6A 6B 6400 154 Utility ...
Truck 6B 6C 6D or 6E models in this catalog only I 1956 4A 4100 130 Utility 1 Ton Truck 8C 8400 156 2 Ton Truck 4B 4400 154 Utility 1 Ton Truck
DIESEL w P S P S pump 64 Ser 60 SBC exc 261 243 W B 62 130 amp A C gen 327 fan andgen ...
130 amp A C gen fan and gen Z 39 Yes 3813550 1 3 05 63 Ser 60 CAB w Air Equip 292 exc TILT comp ...
130 amp A C gen Pump 64 Ser 60 w P S exc 327 348 62 130 amp A C gen 53 N0 3764342 I 3 90 1 066 Ch vr t Mem ginlsm
130 ...
130 amp TDM 64 ser so TDM 6 cyl No s 2 2 4 3815495 1 s 6s A 62 Ser 40 thru 60 w 62 amp A C gen exc DIESEL ...
TILT DIESEL 63 64 Ser 60 348 exc P S 62 amp TILT 130 amp 63 64 Ser 80 exc 62 amp TILT TDM DIESEL P S 110001 b I Beam 12 3 Curved ...
TILT w P S wl 64 Ser 60 292 exc TILT w P S 130 amp 5 8 2 curved ...
TILT 348 64 Ser 50 60 8 cyl exc 62 amp 130 amp TILT 64 Ser 60 TILT 327 12 A 2 Curved 3826593 1 1 10 63 64 Ser 60 TILT
130 amp 64 Ser 50 60 8c 1 exc 62 am I 130 ampi 3 8 BUSHING bracket ...
TILT 62 amp V 130 amp BOLT generator to brace 4 18 x 1 3819910 A R 4 648 2 279 ARMATURE ROTOR ASSY RING ASSY Generator
thru 60 w 62 amp A C gen 6 cyl 64 SBC 292 w 130 amp A C Gen exc P S 42 Yes 3820838 1 6 15 62 64 Ser 60 DIESEL ...
TILT 348 130 amp fan and gen 63 64 Ser 60 TILT 327 exc P S 62 amp A C gen Z 55 Yes 3826586 1 6 60 63 Ser 80 TILT exc DIESEL ...
DIESEL fan and gen and P S pump 64 Ser 60 348 w P S exc DIESEL 130 amp A C Gen fan and gen and P S pump
axle TDM TILT KIIL P 09 63 64 ALL 340 exc P S 62 amp 130 ...
TILT DIESEL 327 63 64 ALL Ir P I SQ gan 62 asp 130 asp 63 64 Ser 39 v P 0 1 TLT DIESEL ...
130 amp 3831194 1 2 35 63 Ser 50 00 vv 62 asp A C gen 0 cy exc TILT
MODEL IDENTIFICATION UNIT SERIES BODY STYLE I955 W B MODEL CAP STYLE 4108 Platform and Stake Rack 130 4A 1 T Dbl 4408 Platform and Stake Rack 154 4B 1 T Dbl 5408 Platform ...
Platform and Stake Rack 136 SB 2T Dbl 6109 Platform and Stake Rack 130 6A 2T Dbl 6409 Platform and Stake Rack 154 6B 2T Dbl 7109 Platform and Stake Rack
130 amp DIESEL 63 64 DIESEL 11192 1 13 459 ek 63 64 TILT BRACKET regulator mounting 3826724 1 1 65 63 64 LCF exc 62 amp DIESEL PLATE regulator mounting ...
regulator mounting 1 w 1119512 2 x x rubber 3840533 3 35 64 ALL exc 62 amp 130 amp YL DIESEL 64 DIESEL NUT regulator 3849954 3 15 NOTE 348 Cu In Engine
130 amp gen 292 exc P S 64 Ser 60 w P S 292 64 SBC 261 W B exc 348 double 3770245 1 6 30 60 62 Ser 60 P S w Cool Pack ...
130 amp PULLEY ASSY w reinforcement 3827846 1 2 00 55 64 ALL exc 348 409 DIESEL HUB pulley
130 amp A C gen exc 261 W B fan and U gen 64 Ser 60 SBC 261 W B w P S 130
door weatherstrip 16 225 Seal assy Vacuum power brake Seal Air brake 4 640 5 120 5 130 Seal Steering column gear push
Relay assy Generator electrical Retainer Brake camshaft seal air Pump package Windshield output 2 510 brake 5 130 washer 16 065 Relay assy Windshield Retainer Brake pedal shaft 4 634 Pump unit Air cond compressor
cond compressor mtg Plate Transmission center Plug Oil pipe 1 531 brkt support 9 171 bearing 4 130 Plug Power brake resevoir 4 902 8 971 Plate Air conditioning evap Plate Transmission Plug Power divider
vacuum air cyl 4 545 Frame Door window glass 16 181 control 2 421 Fender Front 8 130 Frame Generator commutator end 2 297 Gasket Double reduction shifter 5 492 Ferrule Clutch driving strap
Case assy Hot water heater 8 857 output shaft 4 123 Camshaft Alr brake 5 130 Case assy Instrument 9 743 10 266 Bushing Torque converter pump 4 115 Cap Air brake release valve
Bracket Parking brake idle lever 4 797 mounting 9 005 9 009 Bushing Air hrulre Churnher 5 130 Bracket Parking brake lever 4 606 Bracket assy Clutch pedal Bushing Air compressor piston Bracket Perkins lamp
REPAIR KIT 3729631 S 330272 WASHER 3738758 B 377787 REPAIR KIT 3729633 S 8 73 130 BOLT 3738885 B 126729 SLEEVE 3730536 E 42681 SHAFT 3739160 E 43 588 SHIM 3730564 E 42200 FLANGE
Rear wheel 5 806 H d1 assi C w1 v nm t f 16 130 Hose Radiator inlet 1 159 Hub Torque converter pump 4 115 H dle v Deer leek e 16 350 norr
130 HANDLE ASSY Cowl Ventilator 55 59 FFC w lower link and brace 3718703 1 4 50 60 64 FFC w lower link and brace 3769324 1 4 85 16 135 LINK SLEEVE SPRING Cowl
cone point 3782560 1 40 NOTE Cut to required length 8 130 FENDER Front 55 Ser 5 left 3725245 1 44 95 55 Ser 5 right
130 61 62 Ser 50 60 2nd design exc TILT 61 62 Ser 70 80 exc TILT 63 64 Sen 60 80 exc T11 T 1 1 D X 1 0 D x 1 568932 lT
TILT DIESEL 41 long 3822150 1 1 066 63 Ser 60 292 exc 62 130 amp A C gen 53 long 3764342 l 1 066 6 665 PULLEY and PARTS Power Steering Pump Idler
axle exc 2 SPD Eaton 49009 2390398 1 130 00 64 Ser 50 w 15000 lb axle
design stamped 6771529 6771529 1 130 85 62 ALL w P T 2nd design 63 64 ALL w P T exc 409 DIESEL stamped
Support Type Dia 0 L Spline Unit Shaft 55 59 Ser 40 2 SPD axle w 130
Suppon Type Dia O L Spllnes Unit Shaft 55 59 Ser 4 w 130
SPRING rr chamber push rod return Bendix 234 130 2284314 2 1 18 60 62 ALL exc I Beam axles SPRING frt chamber push rod return 63 64 ALL w 17000 lb axle Wagner
TILT 63 TILT DIESEL exc P T 8 SPD upper CC 130 6409203 1 2 73 63 64 Ser 60 DIESEL w 2 SPD axle 63 64 Ser 80 w 2 SPD axle
axle 60 64 Ser 50 w 1 1 130 D lb axle 60 62 Ser 60 SBC 13000 lb axle w 197 225 W B cast
Trans KNOB 3815369 1 95 NOTE On 2 SPD axle models drill a 126 130 dia hole thru lever 3 69 from top of lever for control bracket stop pin ONOTE On 1960 and early
front 2980952 1 9 15 62 LCF DIESEL EXTENSION front 2981784 1 22 75 63 ALL exc 130 amp TILT Ser 80 DIESEL EXTENSION front cover
TILT instrument panel 2986741 1 32 50 64 ALL exc TILT 130 amp Ser 80 DIESEL gen and forward lamp 2985552 1 9 55 64 ALL exc TILT Ser 80 DIESEL headlamp
cover 121 O L w junction block 2974863 1 14 25 60 TILT lst design cover 130 O L pnl type terminals 2976132 1 10 50 60 TILT 2nd design cover 127 O L bulkhead
130 amp A C Gen exc REINFORCEMENT cup shape Z deep P S 327 348 3 O D x S4 LI w four ZZ holes 37206161 1 35 61 64 ALL 348 409 REINFORCEMENT
Chevrolet Motor Hp r 130 General Motors Corporation A REVISED JANUARY
BOARD ASSEMBLY 6 16 125 GRILLE 24 8 147 PLATE 7 I6 040 WEATH ERSTRIP 25 8 130 FENDER 8 I6 005 G LASS A 26 5 813 N UT 9 6 513 WHEEL
RING 46 8 24 3830990 GEAR 60 196 18 2337431 GEAR 8 73 130 372 9633 BOLT 46 196 1 1 2382922 GEAR 60 222 1 0 2223524 SHIM 30 15 139 3825262 CASE
L391 cso zs3 3 cyl mz 1 32 8 130
pump and outlet water pump by pass system thermostat pump and generator brace NOTE Not used with 130 amp A C Gen on 243 261 W B 0 002 PARTS Engine Mountlng Small Attaching