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Passenger Bel Air 1300 119 Fleetmaster 6 cyl D 1508 115 Sedan Delivery 1200 1400 119 Biscayne Brookwood 8 cyl exc 1270 1280 1400 119 Fleetmaster 8 cyl 1957 1500 119 Bel Air Parkwood Kingswood ...
Fleetmaster 6 cyl F 1800 117 1 2 Bel Air Impala Nomad 1200 1400 119 Biscayne Brookwood 8 cyl 8 cyl G 1171 117 1 2 Sedan Delivery 6 cyl 1400 119 Fleetmaster ...
Blscavpa 8 cvl l 5 CYL 1300 119 Impala 6 cyl F 1800 119 Impala Nomad 1400 119 Impala 8 cvl l 3 cy 1500 119 Bel Air 6 cyl o 1170 119 Sedan Delivery
black stripe or solid black full length of spring 1550 lbs 39 52 Pass 3694612 2 yelIow 1400 lbs 53 54 Pass w P G Conv 3703787 2 2 black stripes or 2 orange stripes
Super Sport Conv 409 62 64 Impala Super Sport 2nd design 3825473 2 It brown and lime 1400 lbs Note 1 1Y 1970 CHEVROLET MOTOR DIVISION GENERAL MOTORS CORPORATION