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from replaced engine 1955 MODELS Require items A and C thru N plus the following P 1 1513130 Temperature Gauge New part required Engine Unit connect to Dash Unit using Bulk Wire 5298971 as jumper
engine 1955 IVIOIDEILS Require items C thru E and G thru T plus the following U 1 1513130 Ter nperal ure Gauge Newpezrrt required Engine Sending Unit Connect to Dash Unit using Bulk Wrre
Clutch Fork Unit Diaphraigm type Purchase new or transfer from replaced engine Z 1 1513130 Terrrperatrrre Grauge Engine New part required Connect to Dash Unit using Wire
MODELS Require items A D thru F and H thru W plus the following X 1 1513130 Temperature Gauge New part required Engine Sending Unit connect to Dash Unit using 5298971 Bulk Wire as jumper
INSULATOHL C 0l nt Zl e mjip eruture Engine Unit 56 ALL CORVETTE sending unit elect1ri 1513130 1 3 25 57 61 ALL CORVETTE 62 Ser 10 thru