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SPEED AXLE 8 25 20 10 ply 8 22 andl 1565812 l 603075 lp 5 64 f W 3552705 l 1939 42 V W Y M 2 SPEED AXLE ...
andl 1565812 l 603074 Q 6 17 fl 606431 f NOTE The above combinations ol speedometer gears and adapters 1 r a based on the assumption that tires having higliwcy type treads ure being useefl
ratio 17 16 1 E lZPD TRANS 1565812 4 85 1938 46 ALL COMM 1938 46 T V W Y M O exc OE OF OG1 COE w key ratio ...
also includecl w a apters 1565811 BL BM BN M CK DP 1565812 1565813 1565814 867209 15 B 1 1939 42 ALL 2 SPEED AXLES also included W 1dtZl
1565812 4 329 4 85 1500090 5 l 4B Removed